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Editor suggestion for GoAsm ?

Started by BlackVortex, September 01, 2009, 12:18:11 AM

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Well, since I upgraded to Win7 64 I'm trying to keep the bloat down everywhere, so I'm looking for a text editor for GoAsm (and probably Masm/Jwasm) programming.

I feel RadAsm and Easy Code are a bit too much, I believe I don't need a programmer's editor, just a text editor with syntax highlighting for GoAsm and Masm. (I do most things through batch files or other tools anyway)

And if it is some uber-new-age 64-bit editor (lol) with win7 taskbar integration or whatever, even better ! Any thoughts on the matter ?


No suggestions   :(

Maybe I posted in the wrong section of the forum ?


notepad++ is nice, but you'll have to manually create a syntax highlight file, as it doesnt have 1 specifically for GoASM. Radasm is really your best bet though, I don't get what your problem is with that. It doesn't need to be installed, its free, works great, and can be used just for editing source(is what I use it for).


You're right, I'll use RadAsm and disable all plugins.


 :U on a side note, notepad++ is the only text editor i've seen open GIG+ files quickly and not lag out, ultraedit etc all failed with that.


I was using notepad++ some months ago. Problem is, it has too many options for its own good, and most of them are set totally opposite to what I want. (it's uncanny!)

Seriously, too many options !!!!

Do you have a syntax highlighting file for goasm and notepad++   ::)


heh, yeah notepad++ is feature packed, but I enjoy all its stuff as it's still blazing fast. and No I don't have a syntax highlight file for GoASM in paticular but it does have 1 for ASM ingeneral which you can customize, its in the langs.model.xml file.


Quote from: Hutch"Editors are like girlfriends, everyone's taste is different."


i swear - the first time i looked at that, i thought it said...
QuoteEditors are like girlfriends, everyone's tastes different
that Hutch gets around


Quote from: dedndavei swear - the first time i looked at that, i thought it said...

  :bg  I must admit, a similar thought crossed my mind too.