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Command line arguments

Started by loki_dre, May 22, 2009, 07:07:22 PM

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How do i process command line arguments?
ie. int main( int argc[ , char *argv[ ] [, char *envp[ ] ] ] );



You can do something like the following:

    invoke  GetCommandLine
    mov     CommandLine, eax
    invoke  PathUnquoteSpaces, CommandLine  ; Parse the command line, remove chaff
    invoke  PathGetArgs, CommandLine    ; Get the command line arguments
    mov     CommandLine, eax
    invoke  PathUnquoteSpaces, CommandLine  ; Parse the Argument, remove chaff
    invoke  CopyCat, addr szArgument, CommandLine, NULL
    .if(szArgument[0] == 0)
      jmp     failed
    invoke  CopyCat, addr szArgument, NULL, NULL

PathUnquoteSpaces needs to be used twice in case there are any spaces in the path portion of the command line. I am using that code in ProjectBuilder with no problems.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


What is the declaration for "szArgument"?  It's not a DWORD is it?


szArgument      db  MAX_PATH*50 dup(?)  ; Command Line Argument Buffer

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Anything that begins with "sz" is usually a pointer to a zero-terminated string.


You got it.  :thumbu

There is a prefix conventions list if anyone doesn't already have it, I can post it. Conventions, in my opinion, are very important. In this case, Black Vortex new exactly what the declaration should be because of the prefix in the label.

Another popular one would be the 'h' in hWnd which means it is a handle so it is scoped DWORD.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


LP means Long Pointer. It's used a lot.

LPWSTR -> Pointer to UNICODE string
LPCSTR -> Pointer to Multi-byte string (ASCII)

LPDWORD -> Pointer to a DWORD memory location. Usually used for OUT parameters of functions.


Quote from: loki_dre on May 22, 2009, 07:07:22 PM
How do i process command line arguments?
ie. int main( int argc[ , char *argv[ ] [, char *envp[ ] ] ] );

The Masm32 library has a handy routine, too:

include \masm32\include\

ComLine1   db "This is the command line: "
ComLine2   db 128 dup(0)

invoke GetCL, 1, offset ComLine2 ; 1=first argument
.if eax==1 ; 1=valid argument
MsgBox 0, offset ComLine1, "Congrats:", MB_OK
MsgBox 0, str$(eax), "No command line? Error:", MB_OK

end start



GetCL is nice but sure is a lot more work than just the few lines I employ using APIs. It is better to avoid APIs whenever possible though so I cannot say which (if either) is better. The thing I like about GetCL is that it parses for multiple arguments. Have you a method of your own? Just curious, I always planned to write my own for GeneSys but never got around to it. Might be a nice project. You could write a algo and donate it to GeneSys.  :8)

I am going to need a multiple argument parser because the rewrite of the GeneSys editor is going to lose the builder options and will invoke the ProjectBuilder externally. This means I will need to add command line options to pattern the usage of the builder.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


I like using CommandLineToArgvW

include \masm32\include\

stdout  dd ?
argc    dd ?
argv    dd ?
temp    dd ?

crlf dw 13,10,0,0


        push ebx
        mov ebx,eax
        invoke lstrlenW,eax
        invoke WriteConsoleW,stdout,ebx,eax,OFFSET temp,0
        pop ebx
start:  invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
        mov stdout,eax
        invoke GetCommandLineW
        invoke CommandLineToArgvW,eax,OFFSET argc
        mov argv,eax

        mov edi,eax
        mov ebx,argc

@@:     test ebx,ebx
        jz @f
        mov eax,[edi]
        call uniprintstring
        mov eax,OFFSET crlf
        call uniprintstring
        dec ebx
        add edi,4
        jmp @b


end start
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


Thank you Sinsi,

That looks like it will solve my problem quite nicely. Clean and simple looking, also, considering what it accomplishes.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Yeah, the only thing to remember is that it's all unicode - the print macro didn't work too well  :bdg
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


The print macro is just to show what happens. I am not concerned about it nor do I need that part. Thanx.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website