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Started by newAsm, February 13, 2009, 05:11:44 AM

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Query to the wise to knowledgeable. I am using QEditor for source, assemblying and linking. When I use Project -> Assemble & Link, or Project -> Build all, no symbolic symbols was generated. However, if I use makeit.bat, is the symbol generated.

Every project I worked on, I will include /Zi to assemble, i.e. \masm32\bin\Ml.exe /c /coff /Zi .... and for linking the object files /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS ?DEBUG /DEBUGTYPE:CV.

1.  Does Project -> Assemble & Link use makeit.bat?
2.  At the end of assembling and linking (using above command), the message "Directory of .....<CR> <CR>    File Not Found...". It worked previously. It can be confusing.
3.  Is it possible to include in File menu -> Previous Files to save time to go to my own source directory?

Thanks for the new version v10. Great job!  :cheekygreen:




Try /DEBUG instead of ?DEBUG.



Thanks for your response. Actually,typo mistake. I used /DEBUGrather than ?DEBUG.




1. No. It calls a batch file in the \masm32\bin directory. I have modified my menus so I can't tell you which one it calls. You can look at Edit -> Settings -> Edit Menus to see which one it calls.

If I remember correctly, none of the menu selections under Project do a debug build. You can add your own commands to the Project menu by using Edit -> Settings -> Edit Menus. You will need to create a new batch file, or modify an existing one, to do a debug build.


Hi Greg,

Thanks for the info. I will play with it and check it out. At least, now I know what I can do. Thanks.
