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FindText and ReplaceText bug??

Started by jj2007, February 03, 2009, 11:01:49 PM

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Quote from: PBrennick on February 26, 2009, 11:56:07 AM
Chances are he is just using SF_TEXT. I use the filter specification in the open dialog to set the value of szRTF.

You can also check the first four bytes (excerpt from TinyDemo.rtf, see link above):

invoke ReadFile, hFile, addr Read4, 4, ADDR dwBytesRead, 0
mov eax, Read4
or eax, 20200000h ; force lowercase for tr
mov esi, SF_RTF
.if eax!="tr\{"
mov esi, SF_TEXT ; rtf if you find the magic string
invoke SetFilePointer, hFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN ; continue streaming from start of file

What I find somewhat odd is that most coders here (with the exception of ToutEnMasm) use RichEd.dll for plain text only. Being able to highlight a few tricky parts of a my code helps me a lot in debugging. TinyRTF is only a demo of what you can pack into 6144 bytes of code, but in my day-to-day coding I use a 57kB editor that does preserve all formatting. For example, I often code loops like this:

         inc ecx
         cmp al, [edi+ecx-1]
         je @F   ; found
         dec ecx
         jg @B   ; greater (signed)   ; 0 = not found

No good for the notepad purists, but it helps :bg


I agree, a little highlighting here and there makes the code much more readable.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


It's time for an update: TinyRtf can now print the text, with full formatting including colour. The attached package contains TinyRtf_PrintProc.pdf produced by "printing" a selection to PdfCreator.

For those who are interested in the printing bit, here an excerpt of the source (it should work with any RichEdit control whose handle is named hEdit):

twips MACRO arg  ; a little helper for converting cm to twips
  push arg
  call twipsP
  EXITM <eax>
; 567 twips per cm: A4 = 21 X 29,7 cm
; twips = 21*567 X 29.7X567 = 11907 * 16839,9

PrintRTF proc
  call ClearLocVars ; clear all structure elements
  push edi
  push esi
  mov psd.lStructSize, sizeof PAGESETUPDLG
  prtMargins dd 4 dup(?)
  mov esi, offset prtMargins
  lea edi, psd.rtMargin
  m2m ecx, 4
  push ecx
  push esi
  push edi
  .if dword ptr [esi+8] ; take the right margin as flag
rep movsd
  invoke PageSetupDlg, addr psd ; get a printer device context
  pop esi ; the unchanged order is
  pop edi ; intentional: we swap the pointers
  pop ecx
  .if eax==0
invoke CommDlgExtendedError
test eax, eax
jne PriError
rep movsd
mov esi, rv(GlobalLock, psd.hDevNames)
push rv(GlobalLock, psd.hDevMode)
mov edx, esi
movzx eax, word ptr [esi.DEVNAMES.wOutputOffset]
add edx, eax
push edx
mov edx, esi
movzx eax, word ptr [esi.DEVNAMES.wDeviceOffset]
add edx, eax
push edx
mov edx, esi
movzx eax, word ptr [esi.DEVNAMES.wDriverOffset]
add edx, eax
push edx
call CreateDC ;  hPrDC=CreateDC(lpszDriver, lpszDevice, lpszOutput, pDeviceMode)
mov hPrDC, eax
push eax
invoke GlobalUnlock, psd.hDevNames
invoke GlobalUnlock, psd.hDevMode
pop eax
mov docInfo.cbSize, sizeof DOCINFO
mov docInfo.lpszDocName, chr$("TinyRtf")
invoke StartDoc, hPrDC, addr docInfo ; start a print job
.if eax==SP_ERROR
invoke DeleteDC, hPrDC
jmp PriError
; invoke SendMessage, hEdit, EM_SETTARGETDEVICE, hPrDC, cxPhys ; not needed
m2m fr.hdc, hPrDC
m2m fr.hdcTarget, hPrDC

mov fr.rc.left, twips(psd.rtMargin.left)
neg eax
mov fr.rc.right, eax
add fr.rc.right, twips(psd.ptPaperSize.x)
sub fr.rc.right, twips(psd.rtMargin.right)

mov, twips(
neg eax
mov fr.rc.bottom, eax
add fr.rc.bottom, twips(psd.ptPaperSize.y)
sub fr.rc.bottom, twips(psd.rtMargin.bottom)

; Get the current selection into a CHARRANGE
invoke SendMessage, hEdit, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, addr fr.chrg
mov eax, fr.chrg.cpMax
mov edx, fr.chrg.cpMin
mov OldSel.cpMax, eax
mov OldSel.cpMin, edx
sub eax, edx
.if sdword ptr eax<=127 ; User has not selected a lot of text, therefore print all pages
invoke SendMessage, hEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1
invoke SendMessage, hEdit, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, addr fr.chrg

; Use GDI to print successive pages
invoke StartPage, hPrDC
mov fSuccess, eax
.Break .if sdword ptr eax<=0
invoke SendMessage, hEdit, EM_FORMATRANGE, 1, addr fr
.Break .if eax<=fr.chrg.cpMin
.Break .if eax>=fr.chrg.cpMax
mov fr.chrg.cpMin, eax
invoke EndPage, hPrDC
mov fSuccess, eax
.Until sdword ptr eax<=0
invoke SendMessage, hEdit, EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, 0 ; free the cache, important
.if fSuccess>0
invoke EndDoc, hPrDC
invoke AbortDoc, hPrDC
invoke DeleteDC, hPrDC
invoke SendMessage, hEdit, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, addr OldSel ; restore old selection
;  mov eax, fSuccess
  pop esi
  pop edi
  MsgBox 0, "Printing problem", 0, MB_OK
  jmp @B
PrintRTF endp

twipsP proc
  tw2cm REAL4 0.567
  ffree st(7)
  ffree st(7)
  fld tw2cm
  fild dword ptr [esp+4]
  fistp dword ptr [esp+4]
  pop edx
  pop eax
  jmp edx
twipsP endp

ClearLocVars proc ; put "call ClearLocals" as first instruction after LOCALS - eax unchanged on exit
  push eax ; do not use with uses esi etc - push them manually behind the call!
  lea eax, [esp+8] ; pushed eax and ret address
  mov esp, ebp ; base page of calling procedure
  align 4 ; 74 instead of 123 cycles on Celeron M, no effect on P4
  push 0 ; 120 bytes: 196 cycles on P4
  cmp esp, eax ; rep stosd??
  ja @B
  sub esp, 8 ; 19 bytes with align 4
  pop eax
ClearLocVars endp

EDIT: Bugfix - I should read my own documentation...
ClearLocVars proc ; put "call ClearLocals" as first instruction after LOCALS - eax unchanged on exit
  push eax ; do not use with uses esi etc - push them manually behind the call!


   Your Tiny RTF is very good jj. I was looking aroung for examples with StreamIN/OUT but im not very clarified. You use EM_STREAMIN/OUT only with files? Can't you streamin a piece of text in memory? I'm asking this because from what i've seem WM_SETTEXT replaces the whole text with a new one. I was wondering if theres a way to do this without WM_SETTEXT. Can you help out a little? Thanks. Bye


sme EQU invoke SendMessage, hRE,

  sme EM_EXSETSEL, 0, sel ; set selection
  sme EM_SETTEXTEX, addr stx, reptxt ; and replace with new text

That will do the job, but only for a RichEdit control.
