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Difficulity with rsrc.rc

Started by Gollier, May 16, 2008, 04:22:23 AM

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OK, this might be an extremely simple question to answer, but here goes: I'm trying to work with MASM along with C++ code, but every time I try to compile something in MASM, I keep getting:

RC : fatal error RC1110 : could not open rsrc.rc

After looking on Google, I figured out that rsrc.rc is a resource file.  However, I still need help in figuring out how to solve or work around this problem.  Any help or advice would be greatly appriciated. 



Its a bit hard without knowing the combination of asm and C++ code but in the short haul if you are building resources another way, create a dedicated build batch file for the project using the resource file name that you require. RSRC.RC is a default resource script for a masm32 project as there can only be one resource file in a project.

Just keep an eye on the problem of interfacing C++ and assembler as the two forms decorate names differently. You can usually solve a problem like this by prototyping the "other language" function as EXTERN C.
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If you are using the MASM32 Quick Editor, and working in a directory that contains no RSRC.RC file, as far as I know the only command on the Project menu that will trigger a:

RC : fatal error RC1110 : could not open rsrc.rc

Is Compile Resource File. The other commands that involve the resource compiler, Build All and Console Build All, will not call the resource compiler if the file RSRC.RC is not present. If the reasons for any of this are not clear, take a look in the masm32\bin directory at the batch files that implement the Project menu commands.

If you are not using the MASM32 Quick Editor, then you'll need to provide more information.
eschew obfuscation


I hadn't even considered any different ways to build the code, thank you MichaelW.


OK, I tried the Build All function, but now I'm getting another error:

MASM : fatal error A1000 : cannot open file : C:\masm32\try.asm

For the sake of coherence, here is the code I'm currently trying to implement (note: the book I'm studying from was made back in 1994, which is probably about all of my problem right there.):

screen_ram EQU 0A000h



PUBLIC Fill_Screen

Fill_Screen PROC FAR C color:WORD

mov AX, screen_ram
mov ES, AX
xor di,di

mov CX,320*200/2

mov AL, BYTE PTR color
mov AH,AL
rep stosw


Fill_Screen ENDP



The code yopu posted is 16 bit dos code, you need to use a 16 bit OMF linker to build it.
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