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Problem getting Easy Code working

Started by Terrafire, January 28, 2008, 01:27:23 AM

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Firstly, thank you so much for Easy Code. It's exactly what I've been needing for a while. However, I can't get the thing to work! I installed Easy Code into the directory D:\asm\EasyCode.go\ and then installed the file with goasm etc. in over the top, so the binaries and includes went into the same directories. However, when I try and assemble anything I get this error dialogue:

Compiling resources...
Assembling: Window1
Warning .......................  Line 13 of assembler source file (Window1) -  Could not open file -  #include "" 
Error!  Line 243 of assembler source file (Window1) -  Use square brackets to address memory, ADDR or OFFSET to get address -  NULL    OBJ file not made 

Errors ocurred.

This was the output for the FileShredder example. I apologise if I've missed something really obvious or well documented, but I'm getting frustrated not being able to get started with the programme! I'm using Windows Vista (32-bit). I installed the newest version of Easy Code from the zip file by running the settings.exe file.

Many thanks.

Edit: The part of the output shown above that is always present when trying to assemble a project is the warning involving I assume the error below is the first sign of the assembler choking as a result.

Ramon Sala

Hi Terrafire,

Thanks for your kind words! Just a question, did you configure Easy Code? That is, choose the Tools menu, then click Settings and then click the Compile / Link tab. There you have to specify the paths for the different files and folders of the ECGo package. After that, everything should work fine. Please tell me something about it.

Thanks for using Easy Code.

Greetings from Catalonia


Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately I've already tried setting the include directory. I've double (and triple-)checked that the Include directory is correct - I copied the address from the address bar whilst the folder was open and pasted it into the EasyCode settings, so there's no question of a typo. The programme can obviously find the assembler otherwise it wouldn't be able to produce errors, I suppose, but there appears to be some problem with the includes. :(

Ramon Sala

Hi Terrafire,

I do not know what is happening, so I'll try to install Easy Code for GoAsm in the same way you did. So, please tell me:

Did you use the installation version of Easy Code or the zip one?
Are you logged in as an administrator?
Are the following folders the same you have in your computer?

Easy Code folder is in D:\asm\EasyCode.go
GoAsm folder is in D:\asm\GoAsm

Is that okay?

Thanks in advance.
Greetings from Catalonia

Ramon Sala

Well Terrafire,

I found a problem with the environment variables that I'm going to fix right away. When the application starts and no paths are configured the environment variable for the GoAsm Incluide folder is not set, so it cannot find Anyway, exitting Easy Code (once the paths are set) and running it again solved the problem.

Greetings from Catalonia



Your question about whether my user account has admin rights made me decide to try turning off UAC (which I'd been meaning to do for a while; it's irritating), and lo and behold, it all seems to work now. I think the problem might even have been solved simply by the restart I did in the meantime (I rarely restart my laptop). Anyway, thank you for your time, I really appreciate it.

Ramon Sala


Yes that is the problem. Easy Code has to be restarted after configuring the paths for GoAsm files and folders. Anyway, this little problem will be solved in next version. I'm glad everything works fine now.


Greetings from Catalonia