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Missing WM_KEYDOWN messages

Started by xmetal, February 08, 2008, 08:16:44 PM

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I'm trying to intercept keyboard messages of a Richedit 2.0 control.

The problem is that when some key is held down and another key is pressed, the WM_KEYDOWN message for only the first key is received by the subclass procedure. For example if I press something like "Shift+Insert", the WM_KEYDOWN message is received for Shift but not for Insert. Spy++ however shows that all the messages for Shift and Insert have been posted.

Could I be doing something wrong here?


Quote from: xmetal on February 08, 2008, 08:16:44 PM
Could I be doing something wrong here?

Yeah, you forgot that you are intercepting "Shift+Insert" with an accelerator.


Two steps to do this without any accelerator table

1) the messages of the control must go to your own proc
         INVOKE     SetWindowLong, Hedit, GWL_WNDPROC, EventEdit
         mov     lpEdit, eax      

The new proc must return to the old proc
For combined key as alt+...,shift+.... you receive only a message (in a very limited time) when the key go down and a message when the key go up.This mean that you must remember this key is down.If another key is down,see if a shift,alt or control is down (state in memory) to know  the number of key down.
ShiftState DD 0
ControlState DD 0
MenuState DD 0

EventEdit PROC uses esi edi ebx HeditRetour:DWORD, uMsg, wParam, lParam
   Local phrase[MAX_PATH]:BYTE,KeyState[256]
   .if uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN
      .if wParam == VK_SHIFT
         mov ShiftState,VK_SHIFT
      .elseif  wParam == VK_LSHIFT
         mov ShiftState,VK_LSHIFT      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_RSHIFT
         mov ShiftState,VK_RSHIFT      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_CONTROL
         mov ControlState,VK_CONTROL      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_RCONTROL
         mov ControlState,VK_RCONTROL      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_LCONTROL
         mov ControlState,VK_LCONTROL      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_MENU
         mov MenuState,VK_MENU
      .elseif  wParam == VK_LMENU   
         mov MenuState,VK_LMENU         
      .elseif  wParam == VK_RMENU   
         mov MenuState,VK_RMENU      
      .if RadioButton == 1
         invoke GetKeyNameText,lParam,addr phrase,sizeof phrase
         lea eax,phrase
         invoke SendDlgItemMessage,HclavBox,IDC_EXPLORATEUREDIT1,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr phrase
      .elseif RadioButton == 2
         mov eax,lParam
         and eax,infoclav.ScanCode
         shr eax,16
         lea ebx,TabClav
         .if dword ptr [ebx] != 0 && dword ptr [ebx+4] != 0
            mov eax,[ebx]
            .if eax == wParam
               add ebx,4
               invoke lstrcpy,addr phrase,ebx
               invoke SendDlgItemMessage,HclavBox,IDC_EXPLORATEUREDIT1,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr phrase               
               add ebx,4
               .if byte ptr [ebx] != 0
                  inc ebx
                  jmp @B
               inc ebx
               jmp cherche
      .elseif RadioButton == 3
         comment µ
         invoke GetKeyboardState,addr KeyState
         invoke ToAscii,wParam,lParam,addr KeyState,addr phrase,MenuState
         .if eax == 1 || eax == 2 ;VK_PRIOR
            invoke SendDlgItemMessage,HclavBox,IDC_EXPLORATEUREDIT1,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr phrase         
      .if RadioButton != 3
         return 0
   .elseif uMsg == WM_KEYUP
      .if wParam == VK_SHIFT
         mov ShiftState,0
      .elseif  wParam == VK_LSHIFT
         mov ShiftState,0      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_RSHIFT
         mov ShiftState,0      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_CONTROL
         mov ControlState,0      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_RCONTROL
         mov ControlState,0      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_LCONTROL
         mov ControlState,0      
      .elseif  wParam == VK_MENU
         mov MenuState,0
      .elseif  wParam == VK_LMENU   
         mov MenuState,0         
      .elseif  wParam == VK_RMENU   
         mov MenuState,0      
      .if RadioButton != 3
         return 0
   .elseif uMsg == WM_CHAR
      .if RadioButton != 3
         return 0

   INVOKE     CallWindowProc, lpEdit, HeditRetour, uMsg, wParam, lParam
EventEdit ENDP