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help with frensh source

Started by ragdog, December 21, 2007, 06:40:19 PM

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hi guys

i have found on the web a source in frensh languages can your help me to translate to english please?

sz_Present DB "Protected FIles Unlocked ( PFIU ) v0.5 Bêta Edition, ",169,"Icingtaupe, 2005.",13,10,13,10,0
sz_Begin DB ">",0
sz_HowTo DB 13,10,"Les commandes suivantes sont reconnues :",13,10,"help copy delete cls",13,10,\
"exit dir cd start",13,10,\
"Tapez 'commande -h' pour plus d'informations.",13,10,13,10,0
sz_Undefined DB "Erreur : Commande non reconnue.",10,0
sz_SureExit DB "Etes vous sur(e) de vouloir quitter (O/N) ? ",0
sz_TooLong DB "Erreur : La commande saisie est trop longue.",10,0

sz_CopyHelp DB 13,10," Copy : Permet de copier un fichier ou un groupe de fichier",13,10,\
" a partir du repertoire source, vers un repertoire destination.",13,10,13,10,\
" Syntaxe :",13,10,' copy "*.exe" C:\Destination',13,10,' copy "fiche y et.extention" C:\Destine a tion\Dir et Ktory\',13,10,13,10,\
" Attention : Creation d'un nouveau dossier dans la limite d'un",13,10,\
" dossier dans l'arborescence.",13,10,13,10,0

sz_DeleteHelp DB 13,10," Delete : Permet de supprimer un fichier, un groupe de fichiers,",\
13,10," ou un répertoire ( a condition qu'il soit vide ).",13,10,13,10,\
" Syntaxe :",13,10,"  delete fichier.extention",13,10,"  delete *.*",13,10,\
"  delete NomDuRepertoire",13,10,13,10,0
sz_StartHelp DB 13,10," Start : Permet de lancer un programme avec les privilèges",\
" systèmes.",13,10,13,10," Syntaxe :",13,10,"  start C:\Windows\Explorer.exe",13,10,13,10,0

sz_StartSuccess DB " Le programme à bien été lancé :]",13,10,0
sz_StartFail DB " Le programme n'a pas été lancé :/",13,10,0
sz_Pfff DB "Heu ... j'ai vraiment besoin de donner de l'aide la dessus ? ",'-_-"',13,10,0
sz_ArgError DB "Erreur : Nombre d'arguments invalide / Pensez aux guillemets.",13,10,0
sz_NextFile DB "  ",0
sz_FileCopied DB " fichier(s) copié(s).",13,10,0
sz_FileDeleted DB " fichier(s) supprimé(s).",13,10,0
sz_DirNotExist DB " n'existe pas. Creation du dossier ...",13,10,0



this is what i know in french, sorrry if there are mistakes

sz_Present DB "Protected FIles Unlocked ( PFIU ) v0.5 Bêta Edition, ",169,"Icingtaupe, 2005.",13,10,13,10,0
sz_Begin DB ">",0
sz_HowTo DB 13,10,"the following commands are known :",13,10,"help copy delete cls",13,10,\
"exit dir cd start",13,10,\
"Type 'commande -h' for informations.",13,10,13,10,0
sz_Undefined DB "Erreur : unknown command.",10,0
sz_SureExit DB "Are you sure you want exit (O/N) ? ",0 ;O/N<==>Y/N
sz_TooLong DB "Error : The typed command is very long.",10,0

sz_CopyHelp DB 13,10," Copy : let copy a file or a group of files",13,10,\
" from source folder, to a destination folder.",13,10,13,10,\
" Syntax :",13,10,' copy "*.exe" C:\Destination',13,10,' copy "file and extension" C:\Destination\Directory\',13,10,13,10,\
" Attention : creating a new folder in the limit of",13,10,\
" folder in the tree.",13,10,13,10,0

sz_DeleteHelp DB 13,10," Delete : lets delete a file or a group of files,",\
13,10," or a directory ( in the condition that it is empty ).",13,10,13,10,\
" Syntax :",13,10," delete file.extension",13,10," delete *.*",13,10,\
" delete DirectoryName",13,10,13,10,0
sz_StartHelp DB 13,10," Start : Lets execute a programm with system privileges.",13,10,13,10," Syntax :",13,10," start C:\Windows\Explorer.exe",13,10,13,10,0

sz_StartSuccess DB " the program that we want to execute :]",13,10,0
sz_StartFail DB " could not launch the program :/",13,10,0
sz_Pfff DB "Heu ... i really need to give the above help ? ",'-_-"',13,10,0
sz_ArgError DB "Error : invalid arguments number / Think of quotes.",13,10,0
sz_NextFile DB " ",0
sz_FileCopied DB " file(s) copied(s).",13,10,0
sz_FileDeleted DB " file(s) deleted(s).",13,10,0
sz_DirNotExist DB " does not exist. creating directory ...",13,10,0


thanks ossama my problem is solved i use the google transl.

thanks for your work