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Assembly Language Book (Recommendations)

Started by technobot, March 22, 2006, 11:03:48 PM

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Hello all,

Thank you for having on this board. I am sure that this question is an old one or variation of an old one and hopefully in the right forum category.

I'm looking for a good 'starter' book to purchase or a good tutorial... I found an older version of:

Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers, which I bought.

Can you folks point me in a good direction? I do program in PowerBASIC, VB6 and a few assorted scripting languages... can someone also clarify something for me?

Is the 'inline' assembler and HLA considered the same, just different verbiage?

Thank you for your time,




If you understand enough to write a language like PowerBASIC in terms of data sizes and the like, you are probably better off to jump in the deep end, download the 4 manual set from Intel, get the current version of MASM32 from and start playing with it. With only a few exceptions, books are out of date DOS junk that are little use to you.

PowerBASIC has a built in Intel notation assembler that is very useful and can deliver in speed terms if you write it correctly and its not a big deal to port masm mnemonic code to a powerbasic function.
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I was reading the message about assembly book from Intel, so I looked on the Intel site for those book and found nothing. Could you send me more information about those assembly book.



hi Marsqaqne
welcome to the forum

that book isn't written or distributed by Intel
it is a book by Kip Irvine:


Assembly Language for x86 Processors (6th Edition)     Expensive.  Covers 32-bit Windows assembly language.

Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers (5th Edition)  Earlier edition of the book above, probably just as good.  Covers 32-bit Windows assembly language.

Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture (2nd Edition) Covers 32-bit Windows assembly language.

Besides what Hutch said, these are the ones I would recommend.  Search Books on for "Assembly Language" for details on these and for more books.

Oops, Dave posted while  I was typing this.  The 4th edition just has a little less content than the 5th.


technobot - the book I'm currently using to get down the basics is "Introduction to Assembly Language Programming" by Sivarama P. Dandamudi. It uses MASM and is clearly written. I have a dozen or so books on the subject and that is the one that I chose to start learning from. The book strikes the right balance for me.

I'm also supplementing this with the MASM Programmer's Reference. Anything that I'm unclear about I run past the guys here.

I chose to work with a book that uses MASM syntax, since it seems to be the most popular.

I'm using MASM32 with Quick Editor and that has been a godsend.


If you want the real McCoy[tm] Intel manuals, go to the Intel site and find the PDF manuals for the current i7 hardware. Its not for the faint of heart but neither is assembler language programming. The Intel manuals are the exhaustive reference for Intel x86 processors.
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