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Started by JoOry, January 04, 2008, 07:16:24 PM

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hi all

I'm a student in computer science ,, and i have this project in System Programming about MASM ,, so i need information about it that i didn't find unfortunately ,, so can you please help with explanation of the memory and the format that uesd for the instruction and declaration,does it have a pass1 and pass2 like the SIC ans SIC/EX? , algorithm ,and a simple source code for it ,,

i hope u help me

Miss Joory


Read the rules on homework. members will help you with your code but will not do your homework for you.
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum


first of all thanks for your reply whatever the content is
then I just want to explain that my request is not to do my homework its to help me to understant the keys for doing it
or at least help me in finding a source of information about it
hopefully you can help me now



man i 'm a student here in china i'm also working on it
Hope us good luck!


Study the following for instructions:

Agner Fog's                     Instruction tables            instruction_tables.pdf
Roman Novgorodov's              Intel x86 Instructions        x86eas.hlp
Many sources bundled in MASM32  Intel Opcodes And Mnemonics   opcodes.hlp

If you need to see the source and understand the internal workings of an x86 assembler
that is somewhat similar to MASM (with the appropriate include files non macroed MASM source can
be assembled with minor modifications) there is FASM found at .


Thank you all for ur reply ,,

can any one plzz help me to undarstand how the pass1 and pass2 work ?


Google is your friend.

With the search terms  MASM passes  the very first link
is a MS explanation about the newer revisions of MASM (6.0+)
are N-PASS and the earlier 5.1 was a 2-PASS assembler.

Another item is the BNF grammar for MASM 6.1
