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XML Writer-Parser Source Code

Started by veri@, August 22, 2007, 12:44:06 PM

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This is my wraper code over the DOM API component of Windows, in asm32 language. include sample code and necessary inc file. because XML inc/lib or code is not available in masm32 compiler's librarys or in this forum, so this post may be usefull to anyone.
enjoy it.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thank you for your code.
In archive you have duplicate folder.
Can you provide xml read example?


Yes, you say right. folder is duplicated, and must be ignore one of them. but sample code is included two part. first part, before the loadxml method that xml is writing and second part, after loadxml that xml is parsing. I want to show, how can do xml writing/parsing in a sample code. you must use one of these part in your code on your requirement.