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c And Assembly

Started by anuradha, August 18, 2007, 05:48:17 PM

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hi people
i ve created a function that display texts in color. I import this function to C programe and works fine.
but the problem here is that i want to pass the msg,and other registers (like bl,cx,dh,dl) as arguments to c function
how can i do that ?????
but their is another problem this function works with tasm v 5.0. i'm currently working with tasm. but i'm using this forum to learn
assembly ,windows programming (with api).am i breaking the rules of this forum?? if so i'm sorry guys..
anyway here is the function

;   INPUTS                                                               ;                                                                                   ;                                                                                                                             ;   
;   al    =   subservice(1-3)                                                   ;                                                                                             ;                                                                                                                                 ;
;   bh    =   display page                                                                                       ;
;   bl   =   color(Attributes)                                                                                  ;
;   cx   =   length of the string                                                                             ;
;   dh   =   row postion                                                                                       ;
;   dl   =   col position                                                                                         ;
;                                                                                                                               ;
;                                                                                                                             ;
;   set bl= 0-black,1-blue,2-green,3-cyan,4-red,5-vilot,6-brown,7-white8-Grey ,9-Bri blue,    ;
;   10-bri green,11-bir cyan,12-bri red,13-bri violet,14-bri yellow,15-bri white                      ;
msg          DB      'This is an Assebmly function'      ; this should be in data segment

PROC    _Cprint      NEAR

         push   ax
         push   bx
         push   cx
         push   dx
         xor    ax,ax             ;clears the ax register
         mov    ah,13h            ;call the func  13h
         mov    al,0         ;subservice (1-3)   
         mov    bh,0        ;display page
         mov    bl,14        ;Attribs (sub ser 0 and 1)
         mov    cx,28       ;length of the string
         mov    dh,8       ;col position to write string
         mov    dl,14       ;row position to write string
         push   ds            
         pop    es
         mov   bp,offset msg
         int    10h
         pop   dx
         pop   cx
         pop   bx
         pop   dx
   endp   _Cprint


C functions have to follow the C calling convention - that means you push your parameters on the stack (in reverse, as usual), call the function, then fix the stack-pointer when it returns.
So your arguments must be on the stack, not as registers :P

(There may be a way to fiddle with the c-compiler and tell it to use the registers, but following the calling-convention is easiest :wink)
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You are not breaking the rules of the forum. There is nothing wrong with your question.