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PXE boot - then image rollout

Started by Draakie, July 18, 2007, 05:33:37 AM

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Hi - need some help with your views on multi-pc hdd-image/application rollouts.

At my previous place of work - we used Suse-Linux to PXE boot the target PC. Then Novell ZenImage
to extract the harddrive image for the machine. Worked very nicely - you could re-install 15 pc's with WinXP
in about 30 minutes across the network even at only 100Mbits/sec.

I was hoping to create some sort of of application/image server that can be implimented to do much the
same thing - at the new job. But before I run off and get what sparse information there is on setting up a
PXE boot server - and trying to get hold of a ZenImage alternative .........may I ask what you are using?

[Yup - I've got SUSE Enterprise 10.1 Server - if that's help // also could their be a Windows alternative ?!] ::)
Does this code make me look bloated ? (wink)


Quotealso could their be a Windows alternative ?!

Windows Server 2003 provides the Remote Installation Service (RIS)