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Input processing of custom edit control

Started by gabor, April 14, 2007, 08:12:24 AM

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I am jammed with a problem:
  - created a custom edit control for float values
  - the control filters the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_CHAR messages
    - on PGUP/PGDN it increases/decreases the value associated to it
    - it allows digits ('0'..'9') and the dot ('.') only, coma (',') is transformed into dot
    - other control keys (HOME,END,DEL,ENTER...) are passed to the default proc

Here comes my question:
I want to edit control to monitor the inserted/entered value to keep it in a given range. (The edit control is a text control, so a text-to-float conversion is done before anything else.)
Example (the desired behavior):
Range is [0,100] and the user enters 200 (hits the keys 2,0,0). When the 2nd '0' is hitted the value is automatically changed to the biggest allowed value, that is 100.

So far I found that only the parent window of the edit control can keep track of such value changes via the EN_CHANGE message. But with this solution I had to the EN_CHANGE processing code to every single window possessing such custom edit control, though this is a general feature of the edit control.

What message should I capture in the window proc of the edit control? Any ideas appreciated!

Greets, Gábor

ps.: Sorry, if someone's already posted stuff about this...



call SendMessage function with WM_GETTEXT message , some like this :
lResult = SendMessage(      // returns LRESULT in lResult     
(HWND) hWndControl,      // handle to destination control     
(UINT) WM_GETTEXT,      // message ID     
(WPARAM) wParam,      // = (WPARAM) () wParam;   
(LPARAM) lParam      // = (LPARAM) () lParam;
then conver buffer to float,check for max/min values and
call SetDlgItemInt function with proper value...
hope it helps...


Use EM_GETHANDLE to get a pointer to the actual contents of the edit box.
Then you will be able to convert/filter the value on each keypress to check and make sure it's within the correct range.
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