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Started by Randall Hyde, March 18, 2007, 05:48:51 AM

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Randall Hyde

Hi All,

In preparation for combining FASM and HLAParse, I've created a modified version of FASM that can be called from a C program as a function. The source code for this is available at

The zip file contains the hfasm.hla source code (which is FASM v1.66 ported to HLA syntax), cfasm.c (a C driver program), and a makefile to build it all (I built it with Borland C++ 5.0). cfasm successfully compiles the original FASM.ASM source file and the resulting file matches, byte-for-byte, the code produced by the FASM.EXE program (well, except for the timestamp bytes in the EXE).

The code I've posted is a "first successful run" version. There are, no doubt, lots of bugs left to track down and eradicate, but it's good enough for people to start playing with it.

If you're interested in writing a compiler that uses FASM as a back-end, this could be your ticket.

Randy Hyde