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Started by six_L, February 09, 2007, 02:57:00 PM

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Objarr db 1024 dup(0)

mov dwThread,0
        mov ThreadNum,0
        lea edx,Objarr
        mov   eax,FristIpAddr
.WHILE eax <= EndIpAddr
push eax ;save eax
bswap eax
push edx ;save edx
invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,OFFSET someproc,eax,THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,NULL
push eax ; handle
invoke CloseHandle,eax
pop eax
pop edx ;restore edx
mov [edx+dwThread],eax ;<== happened error here
add dwThread,4
pop eax ;restore eax
inc ThreadNum
inc eax
invoke WaitForMultipleObjects,ThreadNum,offset Objarr,TRUE,INFINITE

hard to debug the multithread, i don't know where is the causation of error.


Apart from the fact that you're creating new threads and then immediately destroying them.. :eek

It doesn't show that you've initialised the value of eax (just bad cutting?) - which is the loop counter -- "<=" is a signed comparison. So, depending on the starting value of eax, the loop could continue far more times than you expect, eventually the value of dwThread will cause "edx+dwThread" to go past its allocation, trying to write in memory it shouldn't access, and thus causes an exception.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.




Quote from: Tedd on February 09, 2007, 03:19:01 PM
Apart from the fact that you're creating new threads and then immediately destroying them.. :eek

I always thought CloseHandle didn't destroy a thread  :red


At first glance, I would suspect that
mov   [edx+dwThread],eax
may be interpreted by the assembler as
mov   dwThread[edx],eax.
using edx as the displacement in the dwThread "array".

If that is the case (easily verified with a debugger), you would be trying to access memory way outside of your allocated space. Since your Objarr is declared as a global variable (and you should declare it as a DWORD array since you are storing dwords in it), why not keep the displacement in edx and address your array as Objarr[edx] such that the above instruction would become
mov   Objarr[edx],eax

Then you add 4 to edx instead of dwThread (which you don't need anymore).

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


try this style:

Objarr      dd  256 dup(0)
ThreadNum   dd  0
    mov edx, ThreadNum
    mov Objarr[edx*4],eax
    inc ThreadNum
and, Handle not only a number, it has some resource in system.

if you need using the hThread, don't close it.

Thread is running, but handle resource not exist(closed by you).

so, CloseHandle after handle be used END!!

Look this Microsoft sample:


Thank you very much.

now, it doesn't crash. but auto exit when start up a moment.(the result of running is right)
in multiThread, prevent to use some local buffer?
Objarr db 1024 dup(0)
mov eax,dwIP_addr_first ;eax=0AB40000
xor edx,edx
.WHILE eax <= dwIP_addr_end
push eax
bswap eax ;0000B40A
push edx
invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,OFFSET someproc,eax,THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,NULL
push eax
invoke CloseHandle,eax
pop eax
pop edx
mov Objarr[edx],eax
add edx,4
pop eax
inc eax
shr edx,2 ;(edx/4) =ThreadNum
invoke WaitForMultipleObjects,edx,Objarr,TRUE,INFINITE

someproc proc dwIpaddr:DWORD
LOCAL pulMac[8]:BYTE
LOCAL Macbuf[20]:BYTE

someproc endp

hello,Kestrel and joerbanno
Thank your help.

the result is same.(still autoexit, no anyMSG.)

mov eax,dwIP_addr_first ;eax=0AB40000
xor edx,edx
.WHILE eax <= dwIP_addr_end
push eax
bswap eax ;0000B40A
push edx
invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,OFFSET someproc,eax,THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,NULL
pop edx
mov Objarr[4*edx],eax
inc edx
pop eax
inc eax
push edx
invoke WaitForMultipleObjects,edx,Objarr,TRUE,INFINITE
pop edx
.while edx!=0
mov eax,Objarr[4*edx]
push edx
invoke CloseHandle,eax
pop edx
dec edx

if it is modified as following,works ok, but running slowly.very very slow.

mov eax,dwIP_addr_first ;eax=0AB40000
.WHILE eax <= dwIP_addr_end
push eax
bswap eax ;0000B40A
invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,OFFSET someproc,eax,THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL,NULL
push eax
invoke WaitForSingleObject,eax,INFINITE
pop eax
invoke CloseHandle,eax
pop eax
inc eax



does nobody encounter the such trouble(a large local buffer be defined in some multiThreads)?