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push real4

Started by LechooY, December 13, 2006, 07:27:28 AM

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Hello all.

I have question, why in masm32 dont work "push 1.0" - real or BCD number not allowed. This is not allowed by Intel processor? Its only masm32 bug?  :eek

I know: its work

float1 real4 1.0

push float1

How C\C++\Delphi compilator translate this code:

glVertex3f(4.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f);

Greeting  :U


The number couldn't be push immediately because the compiler need to calculate the value.
To calculate it , he need a declared constant .
R4MOV MACRO dest,src
     local reel
   reel REAL4 src
   PUSH reel
   POP dest

See this link.



pushfl macro float1
db 68h ; "push immediate dword"
real4 float1

main proc
pushfl 1.0
pop eax
main endp

Gets assembled to

00401000                    fn_00401000:
00401000 680000803F             push    3F800000h
00401005 58                     pop     eax
00401006 C3                     ret

This way, an "invoke" replacement to support floats can be made.
There's such a replacement of "invoke", but I can't seem to find it :S. I remember it supported strings, too, something like
invoke2 someProc,"hello world",1.0,7
Can anyone give me a link to it, or re-post it?
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


I using makro from hitchhikr

Quote; Macros
literal_float      macro   lit_float
         local   local_float

local_float      real4   lit_float

         exitm   <local_float>

CFLT         macro   lit_float
         exitm   <literal_float(lit_float)>

Code in asembler:

Quoteinvoke glColor3f, CFLT(0.0),CFLT(1.0),CFLT(1.0)
      invoke glBegin, GL_TRIANGLES
         invoke glVertex3f, CFLT(0.0), CFLT(0.0), CFLT(0.0)
         invoke glVertex3f, CFLT(1.0), CFLT(0.0),CFLT(0.0)
         invoke glVertex3f, CFLT(1.0), CFLT(1.0), CFLT(0.0)
      invoke glEnd

Disassemble to:

               push   [L004020B3]
        push   [L004020AF]
        push   [L004020AB]
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glColor3f
        push   00000004h
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glBegin
        push   [L004020BF]
        push   [L004020BB]
        push   [L004020B7]
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f
        push   [L004020CB]
        push   [L004020C7]
        push   [L004020C3]
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f
        push   [L004020D7]
        push   [L004020D3]
        push   [L004020CF]
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glEnd

      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   80h;   '?'
      db   3Fh;   '?'
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   00h;
      db   80h;   '?'
      db   3Fh;   '?'

Then get real4 value from MEMORY? It's not very fast?

I'm begin programing and I don't know. But a thing its better and faster way?

I'm special get this post to "The Campus" my question is not opengl but why compilator don't let push 1.0


Quote from: LechooY on December 13, 2006, 11:34:31 AM
Then get real4 value from MEMORY? It's not very fast?
Exactly - that's the reason we should find a replacement of "invoke" for this case  :bg  . Because with the regular invoke, no matter whatever tricks we use, they'll be overwritten.
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


Quote from: Ultrano on December 13, 2006, 11:38:38 AM
Quote from: LechooY on December 13, 2006, 11:34:31 AM
Then get real4 value from MEMORY? It's not very fast?
Exactly - that's the reason we should find a replacement of "invoke" for this case  :bg  . Because with the regular invoke, no matter whatever tricks we use, they'll be overwritten.

Then by very good if we find it :) I don't know nothing about "invoke2" when I don't help. Now if I use invoke + CFLT assembler code its slowly than C/C++/Delphi?  :(

invoke its very useful but now...


No replacement for invoke, but there is some related information here:

I do have a vague memory of an invoke2, but I can't find it.
eschew obfuscation


And here's what I was searching for:

BUT it can decide to use ecx and edx during "addr localVar", which is a particular problem for me.
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


Ultrano you The Men!

               invoke glLoadIdentity
      fncall glColor3f, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
      invoke glBegin, GL_TRIANGLES
          fncall glVertex3f, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
      fncall glVertex3f, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
      fncall glVertex3f, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
      invoke glEnd
      invoke SwapBuffers, hDC

:U :clap:

           push   3F800000h
        push   3F800000h
        push   00000000h
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glColor3f
        push   00000004h
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glBegin
        push   00000000h
        push   00000000h
        push   00000000h
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f
        push   00000000h
        push   00000000h
        push   3F800000h
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f
        push   00000000h
        push   3F800000h
        push   3F800000h
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glEnd

Now its perfect :) Thanks Petroizki for this super macro  :8)


Quote from: Ultrano on December 13, 2006, 11:58:01 AM
BUT it can decide to use ecx and edx during "addr localVar", which is a particular problem for me.

So load the address yourself and just push a register (or store the address in memory and push that value). I haven't used ADDR in quite a while because of the potential for trashing a register.

A macro to move a REAL4 straight into a register or memory location:

movr4 MACRO dest:REQ, src:REQ
    mov dest, 0BADF00Dh
    ORG $-4
    REAL4 src


Zooba :U


Try this, you may get some extra legs out of it.

        push esi
        push edi
        xor esi, esi
        mov edi, 3F800000h

        push   edi
        push   edi
        push   esi
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glColor3f
        push   00000004h
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glBegin
        push   esi
        push   esi
        push   esi
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f
        push   esi
        push   esi
        push   edi
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f
        push   esi
        push   edi
        push   edi
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glEnd

        pop edi
        pop esi
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Much easier in GoAsm...

invoke glVertex3f, 4.0, 5.0, 0.0


push 0.0
push 5.0
push 4.0
call glVertex3f

encodes as...

00401001   68 00000000      PUSH 0
00401006   68 0000A040      PUSH 40A00000
0040100B   68 00008040      PUSH 40800000
00401010   E8 E1400000      CALL <JMP.&OPENGL32.glVertex3f>
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


Same result in poasm :)
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


In flat assembler

invokel glVertex3f, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0

        push   00000000h
        push   3F800000h
        push   3F800000h
        call   jmp_opengl32.dll!glVertex3f

therefore I was surprise when masm get this log "real or BCD number not allowed". But I still work on masm because I habit to masm and its great.

Thanks everyone  :U