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HddMon - The Next Generation

Started by Phoenix, April 25, 2006, 09:58:28 PM

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Hi Mark,

Quote from: Mark Jones on May 02, 2006, 09:33:47 PM
would it be possible to add a toggle to hide the two tray icons?
Should be simple, i'll have a look at it. Thanks for your suggestion!

Quote from: Mark Jones on May 02, 2006, 09:33:47 PM
p.s. I've always thought that a "docking" window meant it was "self-aligning" to another window or edge of the screen (so it is working correctly.)
Thats what i think, too. But there are a lot of different terms floating around: magnetic, docked, floating etc. so i have problems to understand what PBrennick actually means. I googled a lot about "docked windows" but this did not help...

EDIT: I even tried to get a copy of "Ewayne's apploader" but this was not successfull. Does anybody know where to get it? (It's Freeware, I suppose)


I get 2 drives detected, 0 reported :'(

I'm running XP SP2 Pro, and have 2 logical part. on a 300 GB Maxtor, primary IDE master.
MASM32 Project/RadASM mirror -


I am attaching Ewayne's AppLoader project, it is really a great program.  Now, abut this docking thing, you guys are ganging up on me!  :bg :boohoo:  Anyway, I may be causing a confusing here and making things mre difficult t understand than they need t be.

From this point on, let's leave the word docking out of this discussion.  Phoenix,of course, I d not have a recent copy of the project but I can work around  that.  You have created a dialog box without a title bar, etc., that has a cool method to control its transparency and is used to display the activity of reporting HDDs.  I have alterred the code to change the location of the this 'details' window.

    pop    ecx                  ; ecx = 2*borderwidth of dialog window
    mov    edx,eax
    shl    eax,4                ; eax*16
    shl    edx,3                ; edx*8
    add    eax,edx              ; dwDetectedDrives*24= ClientWidth in eax
    add    eax,ecx              ; total width of dialog
    push   ecx
    add    ecx, 730
    sub    rct.right,eax        ; left position of dialog
    sub    rct.bottom,ecx       ; top position of dialog
    pop    ecx
    add    ecx, 16

This works for me and positions the dialog box right where I want it but the code is not written currectly as it is referencing the location as an offset from the bottom of the desktop so if you are using any other resolution other than 1024x768 there will be a problem.  I am just too tired and will look at it again after I get some sleep or maybe, by then you will have fixed it.  I just want you to understand what I would like to see as an option.


[attachment deleted by admin]
The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Okay, this is the second set of changes, they work correctly and are not video mode dependent as my first set of changes were.  I do not have a good copy of your sources that includes all your recent changes.  Will you please consider reposting the sources?  Thank you, in advance.

    pop    ecx                  ; ecx = 2*borderwidth of dialog window
    mov    edx,eax
    shl    eax,4                ; eax*16
    shl    edx,3                ; edx*8
    add    eax,edx              ; dwDetectedDrives*24= ClientWidth in eax
    add    eax,ecx              ; total width of dialog
    add    ecx, 16
    sub    rct.right,eax        ; left position of dialog
    mov    rct.bottom, 1        ; top position of dialog

Okay, so, if you want, you could take your original routine and give it an option name referring to bottom-right and take my routine and give it an option name referring to top-right.  In your menu system the user can select either preference.  If you get AppLoader you can see how eWayne utilizes offsets to nudge his stuff left and right, up and down.  Lotsa stuff to have fun with.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Quote from: Ghirai on May 02, 2006, 11:01:54 PM
I get 2 drives detected, 0 reported

That are bad news. Do you use XP drivers or other (3rd party)  drivers?


Quote from: PBrennick on May 03, 2006, 12:41:06 PM
Will you please consider reposting the sources?
Updated with first post!

Thank you for posting eWayne's AppLoader, very nice and interesting tool!

So, i see want you want to do. In addition to the capability to drag the details window on the screen whereever you want by moving the mouse with left mouse button down, your intention is to add some predefined positions to the popup menu like "left-top" or "bottom-right"? That should be an easy task. Additional, i think an option "fix actual position" to disable accitental move could be a good idea?

Please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.


Yes and yes.  We think alike.  I will do some modes on the predetermined positions and then we can compare notes.  If I get pushy, just say so, I can handle it.
The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website



i did a quick implementation of the four positions selectable by details menu. You might have a look at attached file (with source) if you like. The "Fix Position" option is not implemented, but i am now too tired to continue.

[attachment deleted by admin]


It sure does not take you long to get these ideas implimented.  Well, that is all 'I' can think of.  It has been fun and I really like this application!  If there are any further tests you need to have done ...

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Quote from: PBrennick on May 03, 2006, 08:39:21 PM
Well, that is all 'I' can think of.  It has been fun and I really like this application!  If there are any further tests you need to have done ...

Paul, thank you very much for your help an suggestions, this little project is a lot of fun for me with your support! There are some more ideas that i want to get working, for example to show the details window in vertical order too as an option. However, i think some kind of "reorganization" (?) should be done, as only one window is needed to do the job... aso. This will take some time.

Again, thanks a lot!



Hi Phoenix,
Since it seems like you are indeed enjoying this I wonder if you'd be interested in making an option to hide the tray icons when the details window is showing? It would also be nice to be able to use one icon but I think I already mentioned that ;). I was going to modify the code myself, since you were nice enough to provide the code, and make it so that it flips between red, green, and off with red being the higher priority to display. Another idea for a predetermined position would be center top so it shows in the middle of the screen while "docked" to the top.

It still looks great and I really like the idea of showing the drives vertically in the details pane!

Keep up the good work!



Nice work! I have WinXP SP1, 1 HD with 3 partitions, a 3,5 floppy, a DVD-ROM/CDRW combo drive, 2 virtual CD/DVD ROMs (Daemon Tools) and an USB pen drive.
All these drives are detected, only the real HDD drives are reporting. When I access the emulated CD drives, I get HDD activity on the partision that contains the mounted image file. (This could be considered as correct behavior, since your app is a HDD monitor.)
Was your intension to monitor HDD activity or you want to report every drive's activity?

Greet job, I especially like the icons in the notification area. (Good to have a working code about this topic for later... :bg )

Greets, Gábor


Quote from: gabor on May 05, 2006, 06:26:29 AM
When I access the emulated CD drives, I get HDD activity on the partision that contains the mounted image file. (This could be considered as correct behavior, since your app is a HDD monitor.)
This should be correct, since the hard disk is affected (the image file is just a file located on a specific volume, i think)

Quote from: gabor on May 05, 2006, 06:26:29 AM
Was your intension to monitor HDD activity or you want to report every drive's activity?
Well, this one started as a disk monitor (MichaelW's idea initially) but i started to look how other types of volumes as cd roms can be monitored (any suggestion?). I am also trying to understand the different behavior on XP systems (PartMngr) and W2K systems, which at least differs in performance request support for USB-drives (monitoring works on W2K, not with XP) - short answer: yes and yes  :lol

Quote from: John on May 05, 2006, 01:11:47 AM
I wonder if you'd be interested in making an option to hide the tray icons when the details window is showing? It would also be nice to be able to use one icon but I think I already mentioned that ;)
On the "to do" list  :lol but may take a while as i am very busy now with other projects (not coding)

Quote from: John on May 05, 2006, 01:11:47 AM
It still looks great and I really like the idea of showing the drives vertically in the details pane!
Same as above, on list...

As i said before, i think its about time to make up a new project as there are now more things i want to get working and they should be in design from beginning and not added by tinkering. It should also be possible to see more information on all detected volumes like size, type etc.

So any suggestion is greatly appreciated, thank you all for your support!

Regards, Phoenix


Thank you for this great little app. It's a keeper for me.  :U