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QE 3.5a prototype

Started by hutch--, November 28, 2006, 01:44:25 AM

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I have had the time to change some things and add additional capacity to QE.

1. The unprintable character search and replace characters has been replaced with an escape system that has both text presets as well as the complete HEX byte range.

\z ascii 0
\t tab
\r carriage return
\n line feed
\lf carriage return and line feed
\\ "\" character
\00 to \FF Hex Character Table

2. The block indent capacity has been extended to left and right arrao keys and tab support. The left and right key give micro ajustment in both directions, the TAB key indents right by 8 characters.

3. An extra selected text processing option has been added, "Right Trim Block" for removing unused white space characters. The indent methods also use this capacity automatically.

The included files can be directly plugged into the masm32 project as they are fully compatible with the existing version, they just have the new capacity added to them.

[attachment deleted by admin]
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Very nice :U

On the new block indent features, is it (or can it be made) possible to customise the number of characters? ie. so arrow keys can indent by 1, Ctrl+PGUP/DN by 2 and TAB by 4? I prefer to keep my indenting smaller as I find it gets hard to follow when there's huge gaps on the margin. Not real keen on the right trim whenever indenting since I like my blank lines to be indented as well. :toothy

Great work, as usual

Zooba :U


The tab is easy to fix, I just placed the setting for the tab size into the indent code usiing a tab and it works fine. This will be in the next prototype. I have less room to change with the auto right trim as I wrote it in the first place tp clean up untidy text and so it would not leave dead white spaces in the text.
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Hello, Hutch
maybe you know if there exists such string function which can do opposite to wsprintf thing,
source string:


destination string (result):

"hello,\n\t world!"


I guess you would have to write a string parser to do that. Replace every TAB with \t, every ascii 10 with \n and so on. It should not be a complax task.
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