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QE version 30t.

Started by hutch--, November 05, 2006, 11:53:04 PM

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Hey hutch,

I know qe is supposed to be a quick portable editor...

But are there any plans for basic syntax highlighting?




Huth allready answer this question here, I think.

If you need syntax highlighting, why not use RadASM? It's very good, mostly for beginers like me.




Nick is on the mark here, QE must run on all sorts of displays including the lousy low output ones as well as old machines that don't have exotic resources and this is does correctly where so many of the alternatives require fancy graphics cards and a LOT of memory to make them work. While the slowest graphic card I have on one of my machines is an AGP x 8 128 meg Winfast board, for my own prejudice, an editor must be instantaneous or faster or I won't use it. it must have the configuration capacity to run an unlimited amount of external tools, DLL plugins, scripts etc ...

I use QE for assembler, basic and C as well as normal plain text, occasionally HTML, MYSQL databases, batch files and its a real pain to try and cater for so many different things but I also have a prejudice against dependence on any particular tool as I have been programming for a long time and have adapted across many different tools in my time. I wrote the original QE in 1997 using Alan Philips's PFE which is still an excellent editor for C programming and it does not suffer any junk either.
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