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Trapping Exception Errors

Started by BrWarburto, April 10, 2006, 02:18:03 PM

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I am interested to know how, if possible, a programmer can trap an unexpected exception error duirng the execution of a beta program. This can be very irritating,  if the exception error occurs whilsts working files are inthe 'open' mode, as after the crash these files will then cause a 'sharing violation' problem!


Hi, BrWarburto.

  • If application after exception will close then open files handles will be closed by system!  :P
  • If application after exception will not close then you must create per-thread exception handler.
    For details:



   Many thanks for your quick advice. I will look on Jeremy's page and try some remedies. I use Windows 98 operating system, and it definitely leaves the files open if the application crashes. It seems possible to close the files later but only using the Windows  op. sys. rather than to try and do it in DOS. The files are certainly cleared (closed) on rebooting the system but this takes a few minutes!! 

Regards, BrWarburto


Hi, BrWarburto!

Sorry about Win9x systems, I don't think about. I don't use WinMe long time (about 6 years) and has weaned from this vulnerability.
Why you use Win9x? For programming I recommend WinNT system.


I still use Windows 98 ver II, because I am using a computer with an old mother board. I doubt if it would host Windows NT!