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MASM32 Compilation Procedure

Started by vennila, May 02, 2006, 03:58:42 AM

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I have written an 8086 assembly program using MASM32 Version 9.0 editor. I don't know how to compile it, create exe file and to run it.

Is there any condition in the path where the software to be installed.

Kindly help me.


If you are using the MASM32 editor (Quick Editor) that was installed with the MASM32 package, then you do not need to set a path, or any other environment variable. If you are working from a directory anywhere on the drive where MASM32 is installed, as long as there are no names with embedded spaces anywhere in the directory path, then you should be able to assemble, link, and run your app from the Project menu.

eschew obfuscation


Thanks for spending ur precious time to clear my doubt.One more help

Actually i dont know which option in the Quick Editor menus should be used to assemble,link and create the EXE file.

Could u please list out the steps to be followed to Create a EXE file for an 8086 assembly program

I am running out of time


Before you start wrestling with your own code, try building some of the examples. To start:

1. Open Quick Editor
2. Select Open on the File menu
3. Navigate to \masm32\examples\exampl01\generic
4. Double-click generic.asm
5. Select Build All from the Project menu
6. After the build completes close the cmd window
7. Select Run from the Project menu

eschew obfuscation


Hi Michel,

i am having problem with compiling 8086 program:
here is my program and errors:

hi ,

could any one help me with compiling and running 16 bit programs on MASM32.

.model small
.stack 100h
    message DB "Temperature Conversion!$"
    prompt DB "Enter temperature in Fahrenheit!$"
    msg DB "Tepmerature in Celcius is:!$"

    mov dx, offset message  ;displaying message
    mov ah,9
    int 21h

    mov dx, offset prompt  ;displaying prompt
    mov ah,9
    int 21h

    XOR ah,ah
    int 16h
    mov ah,1h
    int 21h

    mov bl,al
    sub bl,32
    idiv bl,9
    mul bl,5

    mov dx, offset msg  ;displaying msg
    mov ah,9
    int 21h

    mov dl,bl
    mov ah, 2h
    int 21h

    mov ax, 4ch
    int 21h

end start

RC: fatal error RC1110: could not open rsrc.rc


CUTRES: fatal error CUT1101: cannot open rsrc.res for reading

please help me with using this assembler