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Please help me check ...

Started by James Ladd, October 15, 2006, 01:21:19 AM

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James Ladd


Below is a routine that I am using that is part of the code for a thread pool.
The code is in C and I am converting it by hand to assembler.
I'm doing this by hand because this way I get to 'know' the routine intimately.

What I am interested in are you comments on this conversion. It runs without
error, and I think it is correct, but I am not as advanced as some here with assembler hence the post
asking if you think this is correct.

Rgs, James.

Structures - C

typedef struct node {
  unsigned value;
  pointer_t next;
  unsigned foo[30];
} node_t;

typedef struct shared_mem {
  pointer_t head;
  unsigned foo1[31];
  pointer_t tail;
  unsigned foo2[31];
  node_t nodes[MAX_NODES+1];
  unsigned serial;
} shared_mem_t;

Structures - Assembler

# Define the queue node structure
.struct 0
    .struct NODE.value + 4
    .struct + 4
    .struct + (30 * 4)

# Define the thread pool structure
.struct 0
    .struct TPOOL.jlclib + 4
    .struct TPOOL.head + 4
    .struct TPOOL.foo1 + (31 * 4)
    .struct TPOOL.tail + 4
    .struct TPOOL.foo2 + (31 * 4)
    .struct TPOOL.nodes + ((MAX_NODES +1) * NODE_SIZE)
    .struct TPOOL.serial + 4

Initialisation - C

  unsigned i;

  /* initialize queue */
  smp->head.sep.ptr = 1;
  smp->head.sep.count = 0;
  smp->tail.sep.ptr = 1;
  smp->tail.sep.count = 0;
  smp->nodes[1].next.sep.ptr = NULL;
  smp->nodes[1].next.sep.count = 0;

  /* initialize avail list */
  for (i=2; i<MAX_NODES; i++) {
    smp->nodes[i].next.sep.ptr = i+1;
    smp->nodes[i].next.sep.count = 0;
  smp->nodes[MAX_NODES].next.sep.ptr = NULL;
  smp->nodes[MAX_NODES].next.sep.count = 0;

  /* initialize queue contents */
  if (initial_nodes > 0) {
    for (i=2; i<initial_nodes+2; i++) {
      smp->nodes[i].value = i;
      smp->nodes[i-1].next.sep.ptr = i;
      smp->nodes[i].next.sep.ptr = NULL;
    smp->head.sep.ptr = 1;
    smp->tail.sep.ptr = 1 + initial_nodes;

Initialisation - Assembler

        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp

        # Params are:
        # jlclib [ebp +8], tpool* [ebp +12], tcount [ebp +16], qcount [ebp +20]
        # TODO: Make use of qcount as we ignore it right now.

        # No local variables (yet).

        # Steps:
        # 1. Allocate the thread pool structure and,
        # 2. Initialize the thread pool structure and,
        # 3. Create the required threads waiting on a 'run' barrier and,
        # 4. Return the pointer to the thread pool [ebp +12].

        # 1.
        # for now I use a static piece of memory until we get the API
        # working. TODO: Make a call to a allocator for this.
        mov edx, offset temp_tpool

        # 4.
        mov ecx, [ebp +12]             # store in tpool* for result/later
        mov [ecx], edx

        mov ecx, [ebp +8]              # store jlclib handle into structure.
        mov [edx +TPOOL.jlclib], ecx

        # 2.
        mov [edx +TPOOL.head], dword ptr ((1 shl 16) + 0)
        mov [edx +TPOOL.tail], dword ptr ((1 shl 16) + 0)
        add edx, TPOOL.nodes + NODE_SIZE    # nodes[1]
        mov [edx], dword ptr 0

        mov ecx, dword ptr 1
            inc ecx

            mov eax, ecx
            inc eax
            shl eax, 16

            mov [edx], eax
            add edx, NODE_SIZE

            cmp ecx, MAX_NODES
            jne initialize_avail_list

        xor eax, eax
        mov [edx], eax

        # I don't initiaize queue contents.

        # 3. TODO: complete this part.

        xor eax, eax

        mov esp, ebp
        pop ebp

James Ladd


No news is good news? :P

Looks okay from here, if a little long-winded (WRT the structure definition). Though I've never really played with GAS, so I'm no help :lol
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.



Don't give up so easily!  :U

Okay, let's see:
First of all I had some problem with the readability. Are you using MASM or other assembler? Honestly I am not familiarr with this kind of structure declaration...

For my own satisfaction I transformed your structures:

pointer_t       STRUCT

               count   dw ?
               _ptr    dw ?                            ; '_' symbol appended, because ptr is a reserved word in masm

pointer_t       ENDS

node_t          STRUCT

               dwValue dd ?
               next    pointer_t ?
               bFoo    db 32 dup (?)

node_t          ENDS

shared_mem_t    STRUCT

               head    pointer_t ?
               tail    pointer_t ?
               bFoo1   db 32 dup (?)
               bFoo2   db 32 dup (?)
               nodes   node_t MAX_NODES+1 dup (?)
               bSerial db ?
                       db ?,?,?                        ; padding

shared_mem_t    ENDS

I suggested that the unsigned refers to unsigned char that is a byte. I added 3 padding bytes in the shared_mem_t structure to align the structure to dwords.
I don't know the exact structure of pointer_t, but it seems it has a substructure with 2 fields: counter and ptr. As I could see in your code the pointer_t structure is always used with its substructure, so I guess it could be merged into the main structure. That's why I did not declare a seperate structure...

Now, the code:

_jlc_tpool_open PROC jlclib:DWORD,tpool:DWORD,tcount:DWORD,qcount:DWORD

               ; #1
               mov     edx,offset temp_tpool           ; would this be the tpool parameter later?
               ASSUME edx:PTR shared_mem_t

; #4 Return the pointer to the thread pool [ebp +12].
; I use ecx and eax 'interlaced' to avoid register stalls

               mov     eax,tpool                       ; store in tpool* for result/later
               mov     ecx,jlclib
               mov     [eax],edx                       ; store jlclib handle into structure.
               mov     [edx].jlclib,ecx

; #2 initialize queue
;  smp->head.sep.ptr = 1;
;  smp->head.sep.count = 0;
               mov     [edx].head,DWORD PTR 00010000h  ; =(1 shl 16) + 0
;  smp->tail.sep.ptr = 1;
;  smp->tail.sep.count = 0;
               mov     [edx].tail,DWORD PTR 00010000h
;  smp->nodes[1].next.sep.ptr = NULL;
;  smp->nodes[1].next.sep.count = 0;
;               add edx, TPOOL.nodes + NODE_SIZE    # nodes[1]
;               mov [edx], dword ptr 0
; I think this is not correct, or are you skipping nodes[0] intentionally?
; It may look like this:
               mov     [edx],DWORD PTR 0

; initialize avail list
               mov     ecx,1
               mov     eax,00010000h                   ; eax=ecx shl 16
               push    edx
;  for (i=2; i<MAX_NODES; i++) {
               add     eax,00010000h                   ; ptr = ecx+1
                add     edx,sizeof node_t               ; start with second node
                add     ecx,1
;    smp->nodes[i].next.sep.ptr = i+1;
;    smp->nodes[i].next.sep.count = 0;
               mov     [edx],eax
               cmp     ecx,MAX_NODES
               jc @B
;  }

;  smp->nodes[MAX_NODES].next.sep.ptr = NULL;
;  smp->nodes[MAX_NODES].next.sep.count = 0;
               mov     [edx+sizeof node_t],DWORD PTR 0
               pop     edx


_jlc_tpool_open ENDP

I hope I did not mess up too much in there and my post proves to be usefull!

Greets, Gábor

James Ladd

Guys thanks for the reply.

Im not sure why you (Gabor) wanted to convert from GAS to MASM but thanks.

I guess the big thing is neither of you said there were obvious errors so Im rather happy about that.



Sorry, I was a slow learner... I didn't realize that you were talking about GAS ( I don't eve know what that is  :( )

However, your implementation looks good, some optimizations could be done there. But it should work!  :U

Greets, Gábor

James Ladd

Gabor, what optimisations do you think can be done?


Just a note:

unsigned is short for unsigned int
A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
Alan Perlis, Epigram #8