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Started by Khurram, October 10, 2006, 07:39:41 AM

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Please help me i am using MSAM611 for dos

.model small
.stack 100h
    main proc
     mov  cx,5
     mov ah,2
   ; mov ah,'B' ;when i use ax upper  register ah to move 'B' it get compiles but display nothing upon execution why?
   ; mov al,'B' ;when i use ax lower  register al to move 'B' it get compiles but display five 'o' upon execution why?
   ; mov bh,'B' ;when i use bx upper  register bh to move 'B' it get compiles but display five 'p' upon execution why?
   ; mov bl,'B' ;when i use bx lower  register bl to move 'B' it get compiles but display five 'q' upon execution why?
   ; mov ch,'B' ;when i use cx upper  register ch to move 'B' it get compiles but display hanging loop 'r' value upon execution why?
   ; mov cl,'B' ;when i use cx lower  register cl to move 'B' it get compiles but display hanging loop 's' value upon execution why?
   ; mov dh,'B' ;when i use dx upper  register dh to move 'B' it get compiles but display five 's' upon execution why?
   ; mov dl,'B' ;when i use dx lower  register dl to move 'B' it get compiles and display me perfectly five 'B' upon execution which should be.
     int 21h
    loop next
    mov ah,4ch  ;service 4ch to move exit
    int 21h
    main endp
end main

I know i dont have right understanding about registers though i have read from my course book but no where written whats the beahviour of general purpose register correctly please tell me in detail why only dl move correct letter 'B' why not others as well give me nice link for reference.

My question why only dl register moving and showing 'B' correctly why not others.

thanx in advance




As with your last post, I moved it to the 16 bit DOS subforum as this one will be moved also. Please post 16 bit DOS question in the 16 bit DOS forum.
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Dear hutch

I have already posted there but unable to understand the repsonse yet,would you please help me.



I have already asked you to post 16 bit question in the 16 bit forum. I will move this posting shortly as the main forums are for 32 bit code.
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No,no dont move there its already there ,i will take care next time.

