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INCLUDELIB path and INCLUDE path in make file?

Started by p0wder, July 17, 2006, 02:07:55 PM

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I am currently using: /LIBPATH:C:\masm32\lib

to show polink where my libraries are. Is there a way to do this for include files also? Or do I have to manually include the path to the include files within my .asm ?




You can include a symbol but not a path.  It would really not serve any purpose, anyway.  The assembler needs the text includes, the linker needs the binary libs, remember that.  To each their own.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


ml .......... /IC:\masm32\include ........

(possibly it's just how you phrased your question, but this is only for assembling, not linking - linking doesn't want/need the include files)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.



If you are using Poasm, it provides a command-line switch similar to that of one used by Masm :

/I<path>            Add a search path for include files


To the person above: this is the masmforum, i use masm not PoASM whatever that is.

Here is my new make file... make.bat:

@echo off

set name=httpd

C:\masm32\bin\rc /v httpd.rc

C:\masm32\bin\ml /IC:C:\masm32\include /c /coff /Cp %name%.asm
C:\masm32\bin\polink /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /LIBPATH:C:\masm32\lib %name%.obj httpd.RES

if exist *.obj del *.obj
if exist *.RES del *.RES

Well, this does not work now. I get an error: "Cannot find". Which is the first include file in my .asm ...

Any ideas?


Quote from: p0wder on July 18, 2006, 02:23:54 PM
To the person above: this is the masmforum, i use masm not PoASM whatever that is.

PoASM is an assembler created by Pelle Orinius which is supported here. It has extremely similar syntax to MASM and is supporting the same syntax for IA64 where MS is changing theirs.

Also, I think you have too many "C:"s in your call to ml:

QuoteC:\masm32\bin\ml /IC:C:\masm32\include /c /coff /Cp %name%.asm


Zooba :U