UpDown Control with real numbers increment or decrement

Started by dancho, June 02, 2006, 04:34:53 PM

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.elseif eax==WM_NOTIFY
        mov edx,lParam
        mov eax,[edx].NMHDR.hwndFrom
        .if eax==hUpd9;handle of UpDown control
         .if [edx].NMHDR.code==UDN_DELTAPOS
             mov edx,lParam
             mov eax,[edx].NM_UPDOWN.iDelta
             .if eax==1
                invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWin,IDC_EDT12,WM_GETTEXT,sizeof ipos_buff_9,addr ipos_buff_9
                invoke FpuAtoFL,addr ipos_buff_9,addr ipos_real9,DEST_MEM ; decimal string to real
                invoke FpuAdd,addr ipos_real9,addr icdc,addr ipos_sum9,SRC1_REAL or SRC2_REAL or DEST_MEM ; adding 0.250
                invoke FpuFLtoA,addr ipos_sum9,2,addr outpos_buff_9,SRC1_REAL or SRC2_DIMM ; writing back to decimal string
                .elseif eax==-1
                  invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWin,IDC_EDT12,WM_GETTEXT,sizeof ipos_buff_9,addr ipos_buff_9
                    invoke FpuAtoFL,addr ipos_buff_9,addr ipos_real9,DEST_MEM
                    invoke FpuSub,addr ipos_real9,addr icdc,addr ipos_sum9,SRC1_REAL or SRC2_REAL or DEST_MEM
                    invoke FpuFLtoA,addr ipos_sum9,2,addr outpos_buff_9,SRC1_REAL or SRC2_DIMM
             return TRUE

.elseif eax==WM_VSCROLL
invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWin,IDC_EDT12,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr outpos_buff_9

like I said program is working , values in spinner control are going up or down by 0.250 , but  :dazzled:
the problem is when I add second spin control(same code like this) and new line for that control in WM_VSCROLL , like this

.elseif eax==WM_VSCROLL

invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWin,IDC_EDT12,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr outpos_buff_9
invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWin,IDC_EDT13,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr outpos_buff_10

when user click up or down arrow on one control ,
other control is automaticly empty...
I know thats because other control buff is empty ( there wasnt any clicking yet),
my question is how I can control that...

btw both controls getting their default values like this:
invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWin,IDC_EDT12,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr df_spin12
invoke SendDlgItemMessage,hWin,IDC_EDT13,WM_SETTEXT,0,addr df_spin13



Quotelike I said program is working , values in spinner control are going up or down by 0.250

Glad to hear that. (Also nice to see some use for the Fpulib.)

Quotemy question is how I can control that...

That is quasi-impossible to answer without seeing most of the code you used. Zip it up, including the resource file, and I will have a look at it.

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


I find FpuLib very very helpful...


this is download link for small program that shows exactly what is the problem,
btw I put all RadAsm project in it ( 8kb )...

Your Download-Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/22851628/SpinControl.7z.html


Please, what must I use to access the information inside that .7z file????? :dazzled: :dazzled: :dazzled:

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


I just notice some strange behavior of spin control in this program,
when you click up or down arrow ( I mean no clicking but one click and keep it press ) values want go
for their max or min but only for 3.75 points ( + or - , depends if you click up or down ) and it will
I dont see any limitations in program that can cause that ...!

I'm using 7-Zip for a long time and I thought that newest versions of WinRar and WinZip
can open *.7z file...
If you have trouble with it I will post link with *.rar or *.zip file...


Thanks for the link.

Quotewhen user click up or down arrow on one control ,
other control is automaticly empty...
I know thats because other control buff is empty ( there wasnt any clicking yet),
my question is how I can control that...

Initialize your outpos_buff buffers with the default values when processing the WM_INITDIALOG message.

QuoteI just notice some strange behavior of spin control in this program,
when you click up or down arrow ( I mean no clicking but one click and keep it press ) values want go
for their max or min but only for 3.75 points ( + or - , depends if you click up or down ) and it will
I dont see any limitations in program that can cause that ...!

Instead of checking if EAX=1 or -1, try checking if EAX is positive or negative instead.

test eax,eax
.if !SIGN?     ;if positive
.else          ;if negative

I would also suggest you increase the size of the edit boxes so that the entire number can be displayed.

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time
