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masm equivalents

Started by Jimg, January 02, 2006, 02:57:52 PM

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Is there equivalent commands for the following?

1.  The $ operator meaning this address

StartOfHandles = $
hMoveLeft  dd  MoveLeft
hMoveRight dd  MoveRight
hMoveUp    dd  MoveUp
hMoveDown  dd  MoveDown
EndOfHandles = $
LengthOfTable = EndOfHandles-StartOfHandles


2.  Are there any command line options?  e.g.  /Fl to get a listing?

3.  What would be the equivalent of doing the following?

MenusToHide textequ <0,1,2,5,6,7>
%for MenuNum,<MenusToHide>
   mi&MenuNum& MENUITEMINFO <?>
   mi&MenuNum&Caption db 20 dup (?)

4. What is the syntax error with this?   mov eax,[edx].NMHDR.idFrom


Quote from: Jimg on January 02, 2006, 02:57:52 PM
Is there equivalent commands for the following?

1.  The $ operator meaning this address
There is an $ operator, but it's evaluate later/different than in MASM - so maybe something like this:

hMoveLeft  dd  MoveLeft
hMoveRight dd  MoveRight
hMoveUp    dd  MoveUp
hMoveDown  dd  MoveDown
LengthOfHandles EQU (EndOfHandles - StartOfHandles)

Quote from: Jimg on January 02, 2006, 02:57:52 PM
2.  Are there any command line options?  e.g.  /Fl to get a listing?

Quote from: Jimg on January 02, 2006, 02:57:52 PM
3.  What would be the equivalent of doing the following?

Like this, for example (you need 0.93):
MenusToHide textequ <0,1,2,5,6,7>
for MenuNum, MenusToHide
   mi # MenuNum  MENUITEMINFO <?>
   mi # MenuNum # Caption  db 20 dup (?)

Quote from: Jimg on January 02, 2006, 02:57:52 PM
4. What is the syntax error with this?   mov eax,[edx].NMHDR.idFrom
I want to be able to use a dot in identifiers, which limits the possibility to use it in other contexts (struct.elem or union.elem is a special case).

You can, of course, get the same result with this:

mov eax,[edx + NMHDR.idFrom]
mov eax,[NMHDR.idFrom + edx]



Thank you.  I appreciate your efforts, despite how it may appear elsewhere.

This similar to question 4.

If I define a simple structure-

IconPositionData STRUCT     ; format of PDatPos
    PosX dd ?   ; current X position
    PosY dd ?   ; current Y position
    Offt dd ?   ; Offset to start of text in Titles
    Ofty dd ?   ; Offset to type (Type is stored in Titles immediately following Caption)
    Icon dd ?   ; icon image info is stored as dword
    Diix dd ?    ; original index into desktop listview
    ODat POINT <>  ; original X and Y position at start of program
IconPositionData ENDS

and set up an array of these, I put the address of the one I want in ebx so that I can use-

pdatb equ [ebx.IconPositionData]  ; shorthand to get position data
and then later, after I have set the address of the array item wanted in ebx, I can (in masm)
access the items using the simple syntax-

    mov ecx,pdatb.Offt
I get the error " error: Invalid use of 'pdatb'."

I've tried several different things, but no luck.  Would you show me a simple syntax to access these values please?


The only thing I can think of is something like this...

pdatb MACRO elem:REQ
    EXITM [ebx + IconPositionData # <.> # elem]

...and then use it like this...

mov ecx,pdatb(Offt)

It's almost as short, but with a different syntax. Perhaps "mov ecx,pdatb.Offt" is clearer for a structure reference. Also, if you want to redefine pdatb for different structures, the macro approach is less flexible...

As I think I said before, I need to see structname.elemname as a "single unit" - anything like [structname].elemname, structname + 45 + elemname etc will not work.



Just a few more-

How do I do this?

   mov [eax],byte ptr 0

I get

  error: Invalid combination of opcode and operands (or wrong CPU setting)


   mov [eax],word ptr 005Dh

and a different one-

   pop [eax]

and one final one-

aaa proc
   call abc
aaa EndP


I can't use a proto on a routine that isn't a proc.


FWIW, MASM will turn the first two into:

00401000 C60000                 mov     byte ptr [eax],0
00401003 66C7005D00             mov     word ptr [eax],5Dh

Which IMO is how they should be expressed in the source, and 'aaa' is an instruction mnemonic.

eschew obfuscation


Ok, so I made that up on the fly.  try any other name for the proc.

And thanks for the byte ptr thing.  I've ofter coded it that way myself and it works.  This is one case where I think that is the correct way to code it.  There was just too many other things I was fighting for that bit of knowledge to kick in.

And I tried-

pop dword ptr [eax]

and it assembled too.

So all thats left is the myriad of small routines I have scattered about where I just call a label, not a proc.


Now that I finally assembled, I'm crashing in this piece of code-

  shell32dll   db "Shell32.DLL",0
    invoke GetModuleHandle,addr shell32dll    ;for image stuff
    mov hShell32,eax
    mov OSinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize,sizeof OSinfo
    inv GetVersionEx,addr OSinfo ; test for NT vs. 95/98
    .if OSinfo.dwPlatformId >= 2
        mov NT,1    ; it's NT
      invoke GetProcAddress,hShell32,660 ; initialize system image list
      .if eax!=0
          push dword ptr 1
         call eax

any idea what poasm is doing different with this code?  Without a listing, it's a bit tough to figure out.  And OllyDbg doesn't seem to be able to find the source file.


When I move this bit of code to a program of it's own, it runs.  In the large program, it's definately bombing off on the call eax.  ugh.


left out a bit of code.  added in above.  same problems though...


When I comment out the later code, even though it is never executed, the program doesn't bomb.  This is gonna take some time to figure out.


The problem appears to be the:

push dword ptr 1

MASM would turn this into:

push 1

Which is how I would code it. PoAsm turns it into:

push  dword ptr [1]

If I comment out the initial:

    push dword ptr 1
    pop eax

Then the program runs OK, assuming GetModuleHandle fails.

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

    .486                                ; create 32 bit code
    .model flat, stdcall                ; 32 bit memory model
    option casemap :none                ; case sensitive
    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\
    include \masm32\include\

    includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
    includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
    includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
    includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
    includelib \masm32\lib\Comctl32.lib
    includelib \masm32\lib\comdlg32.lib
    includelib \masm32\lib\shell32.lib
    includelib \masm32\lib\oleaut32.lib
    includelib \masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib


    cprint MACRO args:VARARG
    LOCAL pstr
        pstr db args    ; <<<< NO appended terminator
      invoke StdOut,OFFSET pstr

    getkey MACRO
      call ret_key

      hShell32    dd 0
      NT          dd 0
      shell32dll  db "Shell32.DLL",0     
; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
    push dword ptr 1
    pop eax

    invoke GetModuleHandle,addr shell32dll    ;for image stuff
    mov hShell32,eax
    .if eax == 0
      cprint "GetModuleHandle failed\n"
    mov OSinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize,sizeof OSinfo
    invoke GetVersionEx,addr OSinfo ; test for NT vs. 95/98
    .if OSinfo.dwPlatformId >= 2
      mov NT,1    ; it's NT
      invoke GetProcAddress,hShell32,660 ; initialize system image list
      .if eax!=0
         push dword ptr 1
         call eax
    invoke ExitProcess,0

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
end start


00401000                    start:
00401000 FF3501000000           push    dword ptr [1]
00401006 58                     pop     eax
00401007 6808204000             push    402008h
0040100C E805010000             call    fn_00401116
00401011 A300204000             mov     [402000h],eax
00401016 85C0                   test    eax,eax
00401018 750A                   jnz     loc_00401024
0040101A 6814204000             push    402014h
0040101F E850000000             call    fn_00401074
00401024                    loc_00401024:
00401024 C7056859400094000000   mov     dword ptr [405968h],94h
0040102E 6868594000             push    405968h
00401033 E8E4000000             call    fn_0040111C
00401038 833D7859400002         cmp     dword ptr [405978h],2
0040103F 7226                   jb      loc_00401067
00401041 C7050420400001000000   mov     dword ptr [402004h],1
0040104B 6894020000             push    294h
00401050 FF3500204000           push    dword ptr [402000h]
00401056 E8C7000000             call    fn_00401122
0040105B 85C0                   test    eax,eax
0040105D 7408                   jz      loc_00401067
0040105F FF3501000000           push    dword ptr [1]
00401065 FFD0                   call    eax
00401067                    loc_00401067:
00401067 E844000000             call    fn_004010B0
0040106C 6A00                   push    0
0040106E E8B5000000             call    fn_00401128
00401073 CC                     int     3
00401074                    fn_00401074:
00401074 55                     push    ebp
00401075 8BEC                   mov     ebp,esp
00401077 83C4F4                 add     esp,0FFFFFFF4h
0040107A 6AF5                   push    0FFFFFFF5h
0040107C E8AD000000             call    fn_0040112E
00401081 8945FC                 mov     [ebp-4],eax
00401084 FF7508                 push    dword ptr [ebp+8]
00401087 E854000000             call    fn_004010E0
0040108C 8945F4                 mov     [ebp-0Ch],eax
0040108F 6A00                   push    0
00401091 8D45F8                 lea     eax,[ebp-8]
00401094 50                     push    eax
00401095 FF75F4                 push    dword ptr [ebp-0Ch]
00401098 FF7508                 push    dword ptr [ebp+8]
0040109B FF75FC                 push    dword ptr [ebp-4]
0040109E E891000000             call    fn_00401134
004010A3 8B45F8                 mov     eax,[ebp-8]
004010A6 C9                     leave
004010A7 C20400                 ret     4
004010AA CC                     int     3
004010AB CC                     int     3
004010AC CC                     int     3
004010AD CC                     int     3
004010AE CC                     int     3
004010AF CC                     int     3
004010B0                    fn_004010B0:
004010B0 6AF6                   push    0FFFFFFF6h
004010B2 E877000000             call    fn_0040112E
004010B7 50                     push    eax
004010B8 E87D000000             call    fn_0040113A
004010BD FF154C2F4000           call    dword ptr [_getch]
004010C3 33C9                   xor     ecx,ecx
004010C5 85C0                   test    eax,eax
004010C7 7407                   jz      loc_004010D0
004010C9 3DE0000000             cmp     eax,0E0h
004010CE 750B                   jnz     loc_004010DB
004010D0                    loc_004010D0:
004010D0 FF154C2F4000           call    dword ptr [_getch]
004010D6 B901000000             mov     ecx,1
004010DB                    loc_004010DB:
004010DB C3                     ret
004010DC CC                     int     3
004010DD CC                     int     3
004010DE CC                     int     3
004010DF CC                     int     3
004010E0                    fn_004010E0:
004010E0 8B442404               mov     eax,[esp+4]
004010E4 53                     push    ebx
004010E5 8D5003                 lea     edx,[eax+3]
004010E8                    loc_004010E8:
004010E8 8B18                   mov     ebx,[eax]
004010EA 83C004                 add     eax,4
004010ED 8D8BFFFEFEFE           lea     ecx,[ebx-1010101h]
004010F3 F7D3                   not     ebx
004010F5 23CB                   and     ecx,ebx
004010F7 81E180808080           and     ecx,80808080h
004010FD 74E9                   jz      loc_004010E8
004010FF F7C180800000           test    ecx,8080h
00401105 7506                   jnz     loc_0040110D
00401107 C1E910                 shr     ecx,10h
0040110A 83C002                 add     eax,2
0040110D                    loc_0040110D:
0040110D D0E1                   shl     cl,1
0040110F 1BC2                   sbb     eax,edx
00401111 5B                     pop     ebx
00401112 C20400                 ret     4
00401115 CC                     int     3
00401116                    fn_00401116:
00401116 FF25F42B4000           jmp     dword ptr [GetModuleHandleA]
0040111C                    fn_0040111C:
0040111C FF25F82B4000           jmp     dword ptr [GetVersionExA]
00401122                    fn_00401122:
00401122 FF25FC2B4000           jmp     dword ptr [GetProcAddress]
00401128                    fn_00401128:
00401128 FF25002C4000           jmp     dword ptr [ExitProcess]
0040112E                    fn_0040112E:
0040112E FF25042C4000           jmp     dword ptr [GetStdHandle]
00401134                    fn_00401134:
00401134 FF25082C4000           jmp     dword ptr [WriteFile]
0040113A                    fn_0040113A:
0040113A FF250C2C4000           jmp     dword ptr [FlushConsoleInputBuffer]

eschew obfuscation


Thanks Michael.  I just spent 3 hours trying to track down the problem in the full program.  Push 1 solved it.  It was very strange that when I commented out procs farther down in the program, it assembled and ran with the push dword ptr 1.  So I started eliminating stuff until I got to the problem line.  Here's a simple console program to show what I mean.  If you comment out the shgetfileinfo invoke in the dummy proc, it runs, perhaps incorrectly, but it runs.  With it in there it crashes.  Very strange, even if push dword ptr 1 is wrong.

.MODEL flat, stdcall
Include ; this is the that Hutch made for poasm

uselib MACRO libname:req
    includelib libname#.lib

uselib user32
uselib kernel32
uselib shell32
uselib comctl32
uselib masm32

soff Macro QuotedText:Vararg ; returns offset to a string
Local LocalText
LocalText db QuotedText,0
Exitm <offset LocalText>

Print_Text Macro txt:REQ ;;note txt is not a pointer
Invoke StdOut,ADDR txt

Get_Input Macro prompt:REQ,buffer:REQ ;;note prompt is not a pointer
Invoke StdOut,ADDR prompt
Invoke StdIn,ADDR buffer, LengthOf buffer

prt macro txt:req
invoke StdOut,soff(txt,13,10)

Msg4 DB "Success, Press Enter to Exit",0
inbuf DB 100 DUP (?)

NT          dd 0           ; NT flag, assume not NT
shell32dll   db "Shell32.DLL",0
potst db "",0
hShell32 dd ?

IDL dd 256 dup (?)

prt "starting test"
    invoke GetModuleHandle,addr shell32dll ;for image stuff
    mov hShell32,eax
    mov OSinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize,sizeof OSinfo
    invoke GetVersionEx,addr OSinfo ; test for NT vs. 95/98
    .if OSinfo.dwPlatformId >= 2
        mov NT,1    ; it's NT
invoke GetProcAddress,hShell32,660 ; initialize system image list
.if eax!=0
    push dword ptr 1
call eax
prt "test good"

  Get_Input Msg4,inbuf
  Invoke ExitProcess,0

Dummy proc
; if you comment out the following line, everything works ok.
Dummy Endp

End Program