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Problem with text stack macros

Started by MichaelW, January 03, 2006, 01:43:07 AM

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After sending hours trying to determine why a macro I was working on was failing, I finally tracked the problem down to a coding detail in the pushtext and pushtxt macros, which I think is running afoul of a bug in the MASM text macro system. The problem is with recursive assignments in a single statement:

$text_stack$ CATSTR <name>, <#>, $text_stack$
@_txt_stack_@ CATSTR <arg^>,@_txt_stack_@

But only when the last equate pushed is otherwise assigned a value after it is pushed and before it is popped. A quick fix is to add a dummy equate that is pushed last and popped first, but a better fix is to split the recursive assignment into two statements:

_pushtext MACRO name:req
    local tmp
    tmp CATSTR <name#>, $text_stack$
    $text_stack$ TEXTEQU tmp

This illustrates the problem and the fix:

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
    include \masm32\include\

    equ1 TEXTEQU <>
    equ2 TEXTEQU <>

    test1 MACRO arg
        %echo e1 = <equ1>
        %echo e2 = <equ2>
        echo push e1
        pushtext equ1
        echo push e2
        pushtext equ2
        echo assign 1 to e1
        equ1 TEXTEQU <1>
        echo assign 2 to e2
        equ2 TEXTEQU <2>
        %echo e1 = <equ1>
        %echo e2 = <equ2>
        echo pop e2
        poptext equ2
        %echo e2 = <equ2>  <=== error
        echo pop e1
        poptext equ1
        %echo e1 = <equ1>

    equ3 TEXTEQU <>
    equ4 TEXTEQU <>

    test2 MACRO arg
        %echo e3 = <equ3>
        %echo e4 = <equ4>
        echo push e3
        pushtxt equ3
        echo push e4
        pushtxt equ4
        echo assign 3 to e3
        equ3 TEXTEQU <3>
        echo assign 4 to e4
        equ4 TEXTEQU <4>
        %echo e3 = <equ3>
        %echo e4 = <equ4>
        echo pop e4
        equ4 TEXTEQU poptxt$()
        %echo e4 = <equ4>  <=== error
        echo pop e3
        equ3 TEXTEQU poptxt$()
        %echo e3 = <equ3>

    _pushtext MACRO name:req
        local tmp
        tmp CATSTR <name#>, $text_stack$
        $text_stack$ TEXTEQU tmp

    equ5 TEXTEQU <>
    equ6 TEXTEQU <>

    test3 MACRO arg
        %echo e5 = <equ5>
        %echo e6 = <equ6>
        echo push e5
        _pushtext equ5
        echo push e6
        _pushtext equ6
        echo assign 5 to e5
        equ5 TEXTEQU <5>
        echo assign 6 to e6
        equ6 TEXTEQU <6>
        %echo e5 = <equ5>
        %echo e6 = <equ6>
        echo pop e6
        poptext equ6
        %echo e6 = <equ6>  <=== no error
        echo pop e5
        poptext equ5
        %echo e5 = <equ5>
; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
    inkey "Press any key to exit..."
; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
end start

eschew obfuscation


Keep in mind the 256 character limit on these strings as well. It caught me out rather badly when I was doing something similar to this


Zooba :U