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Version 8.2 SP2a installation question

Started by Mr Earl, October 30, 2005, 12:51:55 PM

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Mr Earl

I've been using v8.0 for a long time w/o any problems.

I downloaded & installed v8.2 this morning and was
about to apply Service Pack 2a when I noticed that
masm.lib was EMPTY.

After finishing the SP2 installation, masm.lib contains
ONLY masm32.lib

Where did I go wrong?  And can I move the old 8.0 lib
to the 8.2 lib (except for the new masm32.lib)?


Mr. Earl.

You need to run bldlibs.bat, it is located in the include directory.  Then you should run makecimp which is located in the Example-12\makecimp directory to produce msvcrt.lib

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website

Mr Earl

Thanks Paul,

I ran bldlibs.bat, but now I got assembly errors
on user32.asm, the 1st error is:

"user32.asm(11) error A2008 syntax error : endp"

I moved the new WINDOWS.INC, USER32.INC and to the INCLUDE dir BEFORE running bldlibs

I'm feeling really stupid about now.  I dont remember
having any problems installing 8.0


The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website

Mr Earl


I dont know either.  There's no user32.asm on my system, but that's
the error message, plus 99 more for user32.asm

Then if I try to assemble a pgm I get "can't open user32.lib"

Maybe I should download again and start from scratch.


I think you may need to.  Delete what you have and start over.  There is also a pre-installed bundle that you can download...

Also, if you are crosslinking, you may want to defrag, first.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website