LINK: fatal error L1093: spriteMover.obj not found: object file not found

Started by ch4o7ic, October 16, 2005, 01:27:29 AM

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can anyone tell me what this means....if code is necessary, i can give that.


File not found errors mean you don't have the file available OR you don't have a path set to it so the assembler / linker can find it.
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well, i have another program in the same location, could it perhaps be a code problem?  if so, i'll give my code here too, but it just doesnt seem like it should be that.  what this program is supposed to do is make a sprite, a plus sign, and be able to move it around using the arrow keys, esc to quit.  but for some reason it wont compile, so i can't tell what is going to be wrong with it anyways.  thanks in advance....

here is the code....

;TITLE Sprite Mover      (spriteMover.asm)


   saveMode BYTE ?
   xval WORD ?
   yval WORD ?
main proc

   mov ax, @data
   mov ds, ax
   call SetVideoMode
   call SetScreenBackground
   call MakeSprite
   call TakeSomeInput
   call RestoreVideoMode
main endp

SetVideoMode proc
; this procedure saves the current video mode, switches to
; a new mode, and points es to the video segment.

   mov ah, 0fh
   int 10h
   mov saveMode, al
   mov ah, 0
   mov al, 13h
   int 10h
   push 0a000h
   pop es
SetVideoMode endp

SetScreenBackground proc
; This proc sets the screen's background color.
; vidoe palette index 0 is the background color.

   mov dx, 3c8h
   mov al, 0
   out dx, al
; set screen background coor to dark blue.
   mov dx, 3c9h
   mov al, 0         ; red
   out dx, al
   mov al, 0         ; green
   out dx, al
   mov al, 0         ; blue
   out dx, al
SetScreenBackground endp

RestoreVideoMode proc
; this procedure
; restores the video mode to its original value.

   mov ah, 0
   mov al, saveMode
   int 10h
RestoreVideoMode endp

MakeSprite proc
; this procedure creates a sprite and puts it on
; the screen.

; change color at index 1 to white(63,63,63)
   mov dx, 3c8h
   mov al, 1
   out dx, al
   mov dx, 3c9h
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
; calculate the vidoe buffer offset of the first pixel.
; specific to mode 13h, which is 320 X 200.
   mov xval, 160
   mov yval, 100
   mov ax, 320
   mul yVal
   add ax, xVal
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 320
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, -1
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 2
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 319
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
MakeSprite endp

TakeSomeInput proc
; this procedure takes input of arrow keys and moves
; the sprite in the direction arrow, if escape is
; pressed, the procedure ends.

; Set typematic rate
   mov ax, 0305h
   mov bh, 0
   mov bl, 1fh
   int 16h
; this is the loop for the arrow section, continues
; until esc key is pressed.

   mov ah, 10h
   int 16h
   cmp al, 1bh
   je done
   cmp ah, 4bh
   je left
   cmp ah, 4dh
   je right
   cmp ah, 48h
   je up
   cmp ah, 50h
   je down
   jmp L1

   call clrscr
   call MoveLeft
   jmp L1
   call MoveRight
   jmp L1

   call MoveUp
   jmp L1
   call MoveDown
   jmp L1
TakeSomeInput endp

MoveLeft proc
; this procedure clears the old sprite location
; and moves it left one pixel.

   mov dx, 3c8h
   mov al, 1
   out dx, al
   mov dx, 3c9h
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   call RemoveSprite
   add xval, -1
   mov ax, 320
   mul yVal
   add ax, xVal
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 320
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, -1
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 2
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 319
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
MoveLeft endp

MoveRight proc
; this procedure clears the old sprite location
; and moves it left one pixel.

   mov dx, 3c8h
   mov al, 1
   out dx, al
   mov dx, 3c9h
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   call RemoveSprite
   add xval, 1
   mov ax, 320
   mul yVal
   add ax, xVal
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 320
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, -1
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 2
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 319
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
MoveRight endp

MoveUp proc
; this procedure clears the old sprite location
; and moves it left one pixel.

   mov dx, 3c8h
   mov al, 1
   out dx, al
   mov dx, 3c9h
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   call RemoveSprite
   add yval, -1
   mov ax, 320
   mul yVal
   add ax, xVal
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 320
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, -1
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 2
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 319
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
MoveUp endp

MoveDown proc
; this procedure clears the old sprite location
; and moves it left one pixel.

   mov dx, 3c8h
   mov al, 1
   out dx, al
   mov dx, 3c9h
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   mov al, 63
   out dx, al
   call RemoveSprite
   add yval, 1
   mov ax, 320
   mul yVal
   add ax, xVal
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 320
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, -1
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 2
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
   add ax, 319
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 1
MoveDown endp

RemoveSprite proc
; This procedure removes the sprite at its
; current location.

   mov dx, 3c8h
   mov al, 0
   out dx, al
   mov dx, 3c9h
   mov al, 0
   out dx, al
   mov al, 0
   out dx, al
   mov al, 0
   out dx, al
   mov ax, 320
   mul yVal
   add ax, xVal
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 0
   add ax, 320
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 0
   add ax, -1
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 0
   add ax, 2
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 0
   add ax, 319
   mov di, ax
   mov BYTE PTR es:[di], 0
RemoveSprite endp
end main


It appears to be a does program you have there. Are you using the correct linker to link the program?
also there is a sub forum for 16bit dos on this forum, that would be a better place to post your dos related
questions, since the campus and other sub-forums are geared towards 32bit windows.

God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO


well what i dont get is why the other 16-bit program works when it is in the same directory with access to the same files....i cant figure out where in my code that this program requires linking to another program...

thanks anyways


With ML.EXE, ML.ERR, the 16-bit linker (here named LINK16.EXE),, and irvine16.lib in the current directory, I was able to assemble and link with a minimal batch file containing:

ML /c spritemover.asm
LINK16 spritemover.obj irvine16.lib;

The supplied batch file is a little more complex:

eschew obfuscation


hey everybody, thanks for all the input, this entire time the ONLY problem was the fact that the file's name was too long.

sorry about bothering you all with such a trivial problem.