Block comment or something like this

Started by BytePtr, September 12, 2005, 12:36:45 PM

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Is there in RadASM possible to comment whole block of code?
I mean like in Delphi or Pascal:
   program code

or like in C++

  program code

Is there some command for this so i can comment whole block code out, so i don't need to put ";" before every line?
If i have over 50 lines of code then i must use 50x ";" or just cut my code somewhere.
Can u make such improvement for RadASM? It will be really useful. If its not possible then we must continue using ";".


Hi HuMaX

You just select the text and press Alt+F9 and every line will be commented with ";"
Use Ctrl+Alt+F9 to remove a comment.
Have a look at RadASM's Edit / Block menu.

Also masm has the keyword Comment. It is used like this:

Comment ~



Thank You so much, that is exactly what i need  :U