AVIPLAY Adding support for recording

Started by scrooge, January 14, 2006, 01:56:55 AM

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I enjoyed reading the source for this cool little app. its the only example of a tv app ive seen completley in asm . are there any plans to extend this prog with support for avi/mpeg recording.

I think this would useful as well since the recording system in com seems quite complex (maybe me not speaking micro$oft properly yet!)
Also i think this would be useful in for screen capture since most progs for this atm are either expensive or have huge over heads..

Thx for your outstanding IDE

Just a side Q : ive just noticed that you've added support for lua c would you say this a good 'c' to learn since im interesting in learning c (my suply of asm sources is looking tired)
b4 any1 flames me Ill be releasing my own lame version of a lz compression lib soon it's damn slow but its coming on ok....


Hi scrooge

Here is an example. It should be easy to add new features.


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Mark Jones

"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08