RadASM released (08-13-2005)

Started by KetilO, August 13, 2005, 09:29:22 PM

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Whats new:
o New dialog preview addin (Preview.dll).
0 New create proto addin (CreateProtoEx.dll).
o ReallyRad addin ready for language translation.
o RADbg addin ready for language translation.
o Improved intellisense.
o Added intellisense icons.
  - High word of the listbox itemdata is the icon index (0-15).
o Added support for bcet basic.
  - http://www.arargh.com/basic/index.html
o Possible to ovverride assembler type.
o Added CodeTemplates addin. Created by drizz.
o Added more processor instructions hiliting. Created by drizz.
o Fixed a bug where the resource file dialog would open last dir, not current project dir.
o Added ^I (Tab) and ^M (Enter) to find dialog. Makes it possible to search for Tab and CR.
o Added custom controls include files to Masm\Inc.
o Added RadADDIN.inc to Masm\Inc. Created by drizz.
  - Makes it possible to use invoke on RadASM addin functions.
o Added HL and RAGraph custom controls by Faiseur.
o Added several addins by lamer.




There seems to be a little conflict on the keyword coloring.

SubStr for example is defined on 'Group#09', but it is colored the same as 'Constants'.


Hi KetilO
I downloaded your release version and noted some things that don't work and others that changed the way it does.

On the properties pane there appears a drawing problem when using the mouse wheel. If you select an item (3rd or above) and you scroll using the wheel, the value column 3 items above receives the value of the selected one. Additionally the selection box [...] appears in place of the combo scroll down [v].

Something seems to have changed since the ObjAsm32 AddIn doesn't work any more. I guess that is something related to the subclassing since switching from Debug to Release compiling crashes RadAsm or when I switch from one Editor Window to another. Can you confirm this change?

Another thing that has changed is the Ctrl+Space behaviour. Now it appears a list with a lot of duplicated items (it seems to be code labels). Also the internal behaviour has changed since I can't intercept it any more to keep listbox logic in phase. Now RadAsm crashes!

Finally, as reported before, the autocomplete feature for .repeat is missing.




Hi Petroizki

There are two different: SUBSTR and @SubStr



Hi Biterider

Nothing have changed in RadASM since the last bugtest (2203k).
But in order to fix a problem with ownerdrawn popup on 98 and 2k some weird things had to be done with the intellisense listboxes.
Maybe this causes problems. In a later version I will use listview or comboex to avoid this problem.



Quote from: KetilO on August 15, 2005, 09:20:34 PMThere are two different: SUBSTR and @SubStr
Ooops sorry, i meant '@SubStr' of course. It is defined in 'Group #09', but colored as constant.  :red

'SubStr' is defined in 'Group #07' and works just fine..