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Very basic-Urgent help plz

Started by pantho, June 24, 2005, 08:37:35 PM

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I ahve been searching for hours on how to o this.
it is so simple to do in EMU i hve done it in EMu

include ''
ORG     100h
num  DW ?
DB 13, 10, 'Enter first number: ', 0
CALL    scan_num
MOV     num, CX
msg2 DB 13, 10, 'Enter second number: ', 0
CALL    scan_num
ADD     num, CX
DB 13, 10, 'The sum is: ', 0
MOV     AX, num
CALL    print_num
JMP     exit



BUT i cannot do this in masm, i cant even oad masm.  ahve never done masam before and i need this done in the next hour. please can anyone help me. All the progrm has to do is have 2 inputs and add them thats it. and display the answer. So input 1 and 2 output 3 thats it. it get the inputs from the keyboard and displays them on screen then displays the output on screen.

PLEASe any example code our snippets. our any help would be loved TY for speedy repsone e-mail

Mark Jones

So... you want some MASM code that is equivalent to that EMU code?

Within the Hour?

On a Saturday morning???

How much are you paying? :bdg

Okay, here ya go. Just rearrange the code in the start label in the correct order to form the completed file. :bg

; by Mark Jones 2005 - build as "console assemble and link" in MASM32 v8.2 SP2a
include        ; "runtime" libs
include         ; needed for StrToInt func
includelib shlwapi.lib

num1    DD ?                ; operand 1
num2    DD ?                ; operand 2
num3    DD ?                ; result

    mov ecx, [num1]         ; load our number values into ecx and
    mov edx, [num2]         ; edx - see ASMINTRO.HLP about dereferencing
    add ecx, edx            ; add edx to ecx, hex result in ecx
    mov num3, ecx           ; save result in num3 dword offset

    mov eax, input(" Enter second number: ")
    invoke StrToInt,eax     ; invoked results always returned in eax
    mov num2, eax           ; necessary to save values this way because
                            ; StrToInt overwrites eax, ecx, and edx
    mov eax, input(" Enter first number: ")
    invoke StrToInt,eax     ; convert string to integer
    mov num1, eax           ; copy integer into num1

    mov eax, input(13,10,13,10,"Press enter to exit:")
    invoke ExitProcess, 0   ; exit gracefully

    print chr$(13,10,"  ADD result: ")
    print str$(num3)
end start
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Quote from: pantho on June 24, 2005, 08:37:35 PM
BUT i cannot do this in masm, i cant even oad masm.
Just so you know, you don't "load" MASM, you *execute* it to assemble your code.

Quote from: pantho on June 24, 2005, 08:37:35 PM
  ahve never done masam before and i need this done in the next hour. please can anyone help me. All the progrm has to do is have 2 inputs and add them thats it. and display the answer. So input 1 and 2 output 3 thats it. it get the inputs from the keyboard and displays them on screen then displays the output on screen.

PLEASe any example code our snippets. our any help would be loved TY for speedy repsone e-mail
Also, you should read the forum rules. Even if you are in a tight spot, we do not allow homework requests, and we discourage people asking for personal replies.