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Version 3.20 of HLA Adventure released

Started by Paul Panks, June 24, 2005, 09:34:06 PM

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Paul Panks

Hello Gaming, Assembly and Linux Fans! :)

Version 3.20 of HLA Adventure has just been released for both Linux and Windows:


HLA Adventure was written in Randall Hyde's HLA (High Level Assembly) programming language. Both the language and development of HLA Adventure were discussed in the March 2005 issue of LinuxWorld Magazine (Vol 2., Issue 3).

(Until the end of June 2005, please download from the Geocities website because I have exceeded my monthly 1 GB Data Transfer limit on the Tripod website. It should be fine after July 1, 2005. I'll probably upgrade to "Tripod Plus" in the near future, giving me a 5 GB monthly Data Transfer limit.)

Alternatively, in the next few days, you can also download Version 3.20 of HLA Adventure from I've just uploaded that version to Winsite, and it should be available in the next couple of days. If you can't download from either my Geocities or Tripod websites, the Winsite website should have the latest version of HLA Adventure within a couple of days.

Finally, I've also uploaded HLA Adventure to the IF-Archive (, which should have Version 3.20 of HLA Adventure available for both Windows and Linux very soon.

Randall Hyde's HLA is available at:

And now to the changes made in HLA Adventure! :)

Changes in Version 3.20 of HLA Adventure include:

o - Change Type: Major Bug Fix. Fixed a bug where room #99 held shop inventory and items (the location for shop inventory and items was originally designated as "99", when HLA Adventure only had 95 total rooms [back in version 1.48].

Since expanding the game many moons ago, I forgot to change this and accidentally added in a room #99, too, which meant that if the player went to room # 99 they could get items from the shop for free. Also, the player could drop items in the room and have them appear in the shop). This bug has been fixed now with a workaround that allows the player to move North from room 99, but not back South again ("The exit south is blocked by a magical force field").

This cobbled workaround isn't elegant, but it works. This also means that if players saved their game in Room #99, they can still exit from room #99 to room #97, but cannot go back to room #97. If you left items in Room #99, they are available in the shop. The only inconvenience is that you'll have to purchase them again to retrieve them. I know, I know, that sucks and all, but this was the only compromise that worked successfully without trapping the player in room #99.

o - Change Type: Minor Bug Fix. Fixed a bug where the player couldn't "play flute" in certain situations. Also fixes a bug where the player could "play flute" simply by carrying the rope (even if they didn't have the flute). Both bugs have now been fixed, and the player can properly "play flute" without problems.

Feel free to send any comments, suggestions and bug fixes to me at the email address listed below:


Paul Panks [a/k/a "Dunric"]

P.S. I can also be reached via MSN Messenger with the screen name "paulpanks076".