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Please Backup !

Started by James Ladd, December 27, 2004, 03:52:47 AM

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James Ladd

Ok, im a fool.
I was just about the post my first tutorial in a line of tutorials on Win32 Socket development with masm when, slip of the finger and B A M!!!
I deleted when I should have copied. The result is I lost my work.

No I did not do a backup.

Should I be taken out and flogged, yes surely I should.



How come it did not go to your Recycle Bin?



We should probably take you out and shoot you with an infinite supply of Pascal Marshmallows just so its slow and painful.  :P I hope you can remember all this stuff as a socket library is important and many wil find it very useful.
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Statix Star


Good idea after I lost all my data from my recent PC. Hutch is not really funny I was developing many things and download many
important things but it's now all lost. It was not a hack, the system got corrupted after installing some new softwares and
a virus entered. I didn't turn my pc correctly and it took long a black screen appear, so because it wasn't going to respond.
I simply reinstalled it using F12 with the Xp home Edition. With the Xp Pro requires your password.



Youi are preaching to the faithful here, I lost a SCSI back in 1999 with no warning that took out all the soure code for MASM32, code generators and a mountain of other work.

These days I have multple boxes to back up across, writable CD and DVD drives to make sure it does not happen again.

Still, I think being shot with an endless supply of marshmallows is a fitting punishment for someone who lost a complete socket library when so many people will find it useful.  :P
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Statix Star

I understand. The thing is that we learn from our mistakes. I had a friend from 64 living in Texas, I think he's the martian one
with the Binary and Hexadecimal values. He coded in pure binary numbers, assembly from all processors except the flat-modes, pascal,
c/c++ I think. Now he plays a game like a kid, hehe, I had retire from that game. I think he will someday just he loves that game.
I like it too, somehow I noted that I was wasting my time consuming playing daily hours. My friend will code in 32 and 64 mode.
I guess so, and will make a documentation seems he's pretty good in that and he's wise. I was thinking in developing one for Masm32
but I will release it in PDF, seems the HTML it's not famous for using it in the C:\> Root. Even Microsoft doesn't support it the only
thing I seem from Microsoft is the tips. I don't know if HTML was use for making documentations seems you make one, you have to
choose the wisest instructions for optimize. I don't know if Randall use optimize codes, because there are 4 versions of HTML.
What do you guys recommend for doc? HTML it's famous for it's site but I don't see so much as a doc.

James Ladd

The replies are interesting.
I have learnt my lesson and have backed up the code. etc.
I didnt loose a lot as I have backups, just not as regular as I should.
I do them every 2 weeks but it seems that once a week is more important.
Ill also install CVS so that I can get the copy out of version control if needed.

Hutch - I can almost remember the socket tutorial word for word as its in the early stage and
just deals with the goals and design for the project and not a great deal more. Very easy to
re-create. The christmas break will be good too as I can spend most of today on it :)
Watch this space for the url etc.