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Some words on User defined Controls.

Started by xandaz, January 21, 2012, 05:30:49 PM

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   Hi guys. I passed the day trying to understand how to create user defined controls. I managed to create my own Static Control and i feel like sharing. It looks kinda crapy but it works fine tho simple.
   Thanks guys.


the next step would be to make your control independent from global variables, thus it can be used more than one time (also: thread save).
You can do this by allocating extra memory with the class or by using window-properties (Get/SetProp()).
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
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   Yes q. I'm just in an early stage of study. Also... something wierd happened. Those variables in the .data after the control proc were previously declared inside the control proc but there was data-loss. Do you know why? Thanks Q.
    Bests and later all.


   ooops... i meant before the .data instead of after.


   Hey Qw. I've reading the API ref and the Get/SetProp functions are used for strings or atoms (which can be only 16 bit because for what i've read only the LOWORD is used). Have i misunderstood something or should i just cbWndExtra? Thanks.
   Later guys


Quote from: xandaz on January 21, 2012, 07:05:08 PM
   Hey Qw. I've reading the API ref and the Get/SetProp functions are used for strings or atoms (which can be only 16 bit because for what i've read only the LOWORD is used). Have i misunderstood something or should i just cbWndExtra? Thanks.
   Later guys
A property is identified by a string OR by an atom. The properties value is a DWORD (hData = HANDLE = PVOID = any 32 bit value).

The following schematic shows both methods:
value1 DWORD ?
value2 DWORD ?

mov ebx,alloc(SIZEOF CNTRL_DATA)
fn SetProp,hWnd,"pCntrlData",ebx
mov [ebx].CNTRL_DATA.value1,...
mov ebx,rv(GetProp,hWnd,"pCntrlData")
; ebx = ptr CNTRL_DATA
mov ebx,rv(GetProp,hWnd,"pCntrlData")
; free resources
free ebx
    fn RemoveProp,hWnd,"pCntrlData"

class extra mem:
mov wc.cbWndExtra,SIZEOF PVOID

mov ebx,alloc(SIZEOF CNTRL_DATA)
invoke SetWindowLong,hWnd,0,ebx
mov [ebx].CNTRL_DATA.value1,...
mov ebx,rv(GetWindowLong,hWnd,0)
; ebx = ptr CNTRL_DATA
mov ebx,rv(GetWindowLong,hWnd,0)
; free resources
free ebx

Which to use? - it your decision, but the second one (cbWndExtra) is probably faster.
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
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   Yeah... Guess i'll do that. I've been trying to do some controls in library format but i had some problems with STRUCT. Im not very keen on this macro stuff but it errors. I made this StdWindow example from the template i have qeditor and inserted a struct and it errors too. Says index value past end of string or something. Can someone look? Just assemble the example and see what happens.
    Thanks and later


FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!



   anyway...if i use GetWindowLong,hWnd,0 it'll returned the pointer to WndExtra? or the value of the first dword?
   Does the pointer change? ...for instance from one message to the other?


Quote from: xandaz on January 23, 2012, 01:06:31 AMif i use GetWindowLong,hWnd,0 it'll returned the pointer to WndExtra? or the value of the first dword?
The first DWORD is returned. For 4 the second, for 8 the third,...
Quote from: xandaz on January 23, 2012, 01:06:31 AMDoes the pointer change? ...for instance from one message to the other?
no - each window will have its own memory.
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


   Thanks.  But is there a way to get the pointer and then change memory through register opperations? like
mov edi,eax
invoke CreateCompatibleDC,[edi].ps.hdc
movm [edi].hMemDC,eax

or do i need to SetWindowLong everytime i need to change variables in the memory?