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Toolbar class = "AfxControlBar42"?

Started by NoCforMe, November 24, 2011, 12:34:15 AM

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Anybody know anything about this class of controls? I have an app (CorelDraw) that uses this class for its toolbars, which contain all sorts of stuff, from buttons to drop-down lists to edit fields, etc. (I know this from using WinSpy++, a very handy little tool.)

There's a bunch of stuff about this class online in various programming fora, but I've seen no explanation of where this comes from. MSDN has nothing on it, so I'm guessing it's from a vendor somewhere?


I believe controls with "AFX" are MFC controls...
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


Rob's right - Application Framework Extensions is a synonym for MFC

you might also try google'ing AfxWnd42


Quote from: dedndave on November 24, 2011, 12:43:11 AM
you might also try google'ing AfxWnd42

What, you think that didn't occur to me? You think I didn't already do that? What am I, some kind of idiot? i hate that response--"just Google it".

I said I found a bunch of stuff online pertaining to this class of control. Unfortunately, from what I saw, none of it explains the origin of this class, which is why I asked.

I would have thought that if this was a Microsoft class that there would at least be some mention of it on MSDN, but a search there turned up absolutely nothing.


~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


MFC and ATL at least used to be included with Visual Studio, with the complete source. Given that, I would say that the place to start experimenting is with VS and an appropriate C++ test app.

ATL is doable with GoAsm ( here and here), but in the short time I spent on it I could not make it work in any substantial way with MASM. IIRC the DLLs that contain the libraries are not normal DLLs.

And my Windows 2000 system has a total of 7 mfcxx DLLs in the system32 directory.

eschew obfuscation


After looking around on MSDN I sort of got that idea, that these are overlays on top of the API "primitives" (for example, this page which refers to Visual Studio 6.0, and which mentions this base class, AfxControlBar, by name).

But we can always invent our own "wrappers", can't we? It's just a matter of coming up with a recipe that works.

Oops, forgot about the DLLs that I no doubt need but don't have ... oh, well.


QuoteYou think I didn't already do that?
your original post was open-ended - you wanted info - we gave you info

QuoteWhat am I, some kind of idiot?
i'm starting to wonder   :P

if you want to use MFC, write your program in C
then, write ASM routines for the speed-critical things
that's probably the best method of writing large commercial applications, anyways
it would seem that COM is probably easier to deal with from C

if you want to write ASM-only programs, the idea is to get away from C constructs