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Assassination Plot

Started by baltoro, October 12, 2011, 07:24:57 PM

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This morning's Los Angeles Times had this report of International Intrigue: FBI Says Iran Plotted D.C. Attack.
This is a plot straight out of Hollywood,'s probably a movie script that the major studios all rejected (because they couldn't get Matt Damon),...
It's very hard to take this kind of thing seriously. Heck, even a disgruntled assembly programmer like Dave wouldn't come up with something so implausible,...
But,...times are tough here in America. People are desperate. They will do anything for money,...
Currently, I'm vacationing in a small resort town in the Sierra Nevada, California,...and even here, there are homeless people walking the streets with signs saying: "Will Assassinate the Saudi Arabian Ambassador for Food".
...Of course, it would be an exciting diplomatic development if Iran and Saudi Arabia,...the two of the world's largest petroleum producers  and exporters,...went to war.


Yeah, as long as this isn't used as some excuse to bomb/invade/spank Iran. It does all seem rather contrived, are the Saudi's buying it?

I guess before Biden blows a gasket about state sponsored terrorism we should consider what throwing spanners in centrifuges, or rendering nuclear physicists amounts too.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


sounds to me as if they are trying to "pre-justify" going to war with Iran
i am reminded of bush telling us how Iraq needed to be attacked
as for the "perps", just turn them over to the saudis - problem solved

come to think of it, they don't seem to need OUR approval to go to war with Iran anymore
they are probably trying to get saudi approval for it


Quote from: CLIVE...It does all seem rather contrived, are the Saudi's buying it ?
My thinking, exactly,...I'd be amazed if the Saudis weren't laughing their asses off,...
Hell, during the recent WikiLeaks episode, one of the cables revealed that the Saudis wanted the United States to bomb Iran's Nuclear Enrichment Facility.
...And, then,...there was the Stuxnet worm.
We have a major military presence in two countires sharing long borders with Iran,...

What I thought was funny was, contracting a Mexican Drug Cartel Hit Man for the dirty deed. :eek
What would YOU do if they gave you $100,000 ???
Hell, I'd sub-contract it out to either DAVE or PETER,...  :toothy

Here's an interesting article about: Iran's Nuclear Program, by the Council of Foreign Relations


Quote from: baltoroWhat I thought was funny was, contracting a Mexican Drug Cartel Hit Man for the dirty deed. :eek

Using a fast-n-furious gun no doubt, as Eric Holder ducks under his desk. There are no coincidences, no random events, no casual happenings...
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


This morning's lead article in  the Los Angeles Times was: Alleged Assassination Plot Heightens Iran-Saudi Tension. Absurd,...Ridiculous,...the article quotes a number of political analysts that have serious doubts that Iran could be that idiotic.
...And, this is complete bullshit: Iranian Leader Thought To Have OK'd Plot
Seriously, have to wonder why the Iranians would want to assassinate our Saudi Arabian ambassador, doesn't make sense. They could shut down the Strait of Hormuz,...and, it would be alot more exciting (and, effective). :eek

The equivalent scenario for us ex-spy/assembly programmers would be me hiring Dick Cheney to assassinate HUTCH. And,...I'm so inept that my 'wet-work' technique would be to send Hutch an e-mail that attempts to lure him into a Starbucks in LA, where he would contact, old guy in a thong and peacock feathers with an implanted mechanical ventricular assist device, who will bestow upon him,...fame, riches, and power beyond his wildest dreams.


well, they had to come up with a story that the saudis might find believable
i imagine they believe it at least as well as i believed that sadam had nuclear weapons




oh yah - they forgot - they have to piss off Iran if they want a war !!!
this is a ploy to make Iran do something in retaliation
that way, the American public will support a war   ::)


I don't know why, but, at least to me, this has false flag written all over it. Obamma is facing the lowest rating ever and only a war will help him stay as a president.


I thought it was hilarious. The best part was the mexican drug dealer. Yeah... as if the Saudis don't have the b@||s and ability to do it themselves.

This little event has gone the same way as the anthrax attack after 9/11 (remember that??) and how Clinton predicted an end to terrorism "within the next year", shortly after they got into office. Within a year of that speech, they managed to somehow find Bin Laden, when 9 years of searching failed. Incredible...

I even think the whole "Arab Spring"/uprising etc.. has been a set-up. Start it in Egypt knowing that Libya will follow, then support Libya with deniable boots on the ground, all whilst actively helping Saudi and Bahrain to suppress their people, as they are friendly to the west already and aren't the real target.

Don't get me started on Europe GRRRRRRRRRRR. Fc(%€#$.