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Tragedy in Norway

Started by hutch--, July 23, 2011, 07:52:12 AM

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Quote from: hutch-- on July 29, 2011, 12:18:07 AM
Interestingly enough the Swiss model is an interesting one, bust into a house there and you may end up in deep sh*t (read SHOT) but don't go running around the streets carrying a weapon and you will be seen as dangerous and stopped.
With modern technology, no problem: Disable the weapon if it is more than a hundred yards away from an encrypted sender that is fixed inside the house.

QuoteThis disaster in Norway puts paid to the notion that only a police force should be armed, he was dressed as a policeman and people trusted him right up to when he shot them. It would have taken only one armed guard to have stopped this tragedy

Really? They did have a guard:
QuoteTrond Berntsen was working as an off-duty police officer on Utøya when Anders Behring Breivik arrived at the shore. Unarmed and unaware of the horror that was about to be unleashed on the island, Berntsen succeeded in protecting his 10-year-old son but could do nothing to save himself. The father-of-two became one of Breivik's first victims when he was shot dead within minutes.

And of course, if Trond Berntsen had had a gun, he would have been the first victim, not "one of the first".
By the way, the policemen were armed when they arrived. Unfortunately they arrived a bit late.

Now spinning this further, of course they could have armed all 100+ participants of the summer camp - teabaggers, here is an idea for you!! If those youngsters had been systematically trained on hand weapons, one of them would surely have shot that fascist moron. The problem is that Europe does not yet known those funny headlines "boy shoots daddy, accidentally", and it might be politically incorrect to suggest arming kids. At least here in Europe.



The real strength of the Swiss model is the people who have firearms know enough about them not to abuse them where disarmed societies tend to have the atrocities that we keep hearing about. Even the schools in the US were easy pickings for the odd loonie that could come in with a gun and there was no-one to stop them. The problem with your suggestion is that an enemy could use the restriction technology to cripple the defensive capacity or even worse, if the batteries went flat they could not defend themselves either.

While I do support restrictions on hand guns, full sized rifles are very hard to conceal and if a loonie start running around shooting unarmed people, one person who does not have to conceal their rifle would solve the problem.

I can think of a funny story here from some years ago, some guy tried to hyjack a plane in Broken Hill, was making demands to see the prime minister and was threatening the pilot and crew on the tarmac. An old Copper picked up a 303 and shot the guy in the head through the cockpit window, end of story.  :bdg
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