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Machu Picchu

Started by baltoro, August 02, 2011, 08:51:45 PM

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It's mid-morning,...and the mist is swirling in from the Andean peaks, immersing this incredible archaeological fortress in a dream-like sensation. I'm sitting here, in close proximity to The Temple of the Condor,...deep in thought, time-travelling back to the Incan Empire of 1400 AD,...trying to capture the mind of the king/architect that conceived of this project. This pre-Colombian Lost City is situated almost 8,000 feet above sea level, in a spectacular mountainous cloud forest, surrounded by 1500 foot cliffs that plummet to the Urubamba River on three sides,...with an almost unclimbable mountain protecting the rear flank. The mystery of the place saturates your imagination.       
I'm just relaxing, drinking an ice cold beer,...and, wondering,...idly, what this place would look like if Incan sorcerers somehow teleported it to Banff,....

Here, is a virtual tour of a 3D model of: Machu Picchu
Here is the standard description of: Machu Picchu



I am sorry Dave,I can't do that


Makes you wonder,...what if our modern interpretations are all wrong ???
And, I haven't come up with a really outrageous crackpot theory yet,... :eek
..You'd guess that it was some kind of a sanctuary,...
Here is a collection of cool images: Marvels of Machu Picchu


so, i have 4 questions....

1) are you in Mexico ?
2) are you in Canada ?
3) where in the hell are you, really ?   :lol
4) is your name Dave ?   :P


This brings me abruptly back to reality,...
It'a a classic thought experiment, Dave.
Just stand in front of the miror and hypnotize yourself,'ll understand,... :eek
I'm trying to focus on mental techniques I learned from my voyage with Carlos Casteneda,...


The lady who ran the gym I belonged to years ago did a trip to Peru then did the overland walk from Cuzco to Machu Picchu. She waxed lyrical at the scale of the scenery, the train ride up to Cuzco through the Andes and generally had a great time but I get the impression that by the time the world economy gets back into shape if in fact it ever does, I will be too old to climb the hill the Machu Picchu sits on the top of.
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I have found a tantalizing clue:
There is a paper published in 1988, entitled: "Radiocarbon Dating Machu Picchu, Peru", that suggests that the site was developed prior to the Incan Empire.
Estimates that I've seen so far are: 1325 AD and 1400 AD,...which Incan archaeologists studying the chronology call the Imperial Phase
Radiocarbon can only date carbon samples that are younger than 50,000 years,, I'm pretty sure it isn't extra-terrestrials. Have to ask Peter about that, though,...
What I find REALLY incredible, is that all the rock used to build the structures, the terraces, temples, and houses is granite. 
For you amateur archaeologists, here is a paper called: Towards Radiocarbon Chronology of the Inca State


Quote from: baltoro on August 03, 2011, 12:46:05 AM, I'm pretty sure it isn't extra-terrestrials. Have to ask Peter about that, though,...

*Peter opens his mouth to say something and get's interupted....*

It's getting embarrassing.... The more my fame spreads, the harder it is to give out my serious and well thought through opinions.... Now look, I've forgotten what I was going to say ::)
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


The mystery deepens. I found this paper in Radiocarbon about dating skeletons found in the original excavations of Machu Picchu in 1911: RADIOCARBON DATING OF BONE OSTEOCALCIN: ISOLATING AND CHARACTERIZING A NON-COLLAGEN PROTEIN,...scroll down to page eight.   
"Excavations in 1911 at the site of Machu Picchu in the Southern Andes of Peru revealed a series of graves containing human skeletons and associated grave goods. The skeletal and artifact assemblage from these excavations were subsequently housed at Yale University. Although the artifacts from Machu Picchu represent only Inca and early Colonial period materials, Eaton suggested that the site also contained a pre-Inca occupation. This interpretation has been disputed by later investigators."

From a previous study, Radiocarbon determination on bone collagen from five Machu Picchu human skeletons from the Yale collection yielded ages ranging from 640 to 2050 Before Present. However, the study mentioned in the paper cited above concluded that the skeletons were actually of Incan age. The report adds that because of known variaitions in the rate of creation of radiocarbon, the skeletons could be much younger tham the reported radiocarbon date.


There is a pre-Inca site known as Tiahuanaco at the southern end of lke Titicaca in Bolivia that few know much about. There is an unusual association between the earliest people to migrate to Easter Island (long ears) and the remains of Tiahuanaco.
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There are stories floating around that it's haunted so it should be quite an adventure.