How to know IE browser is running and surfing some predefined urls?

Started by Alexander, July 27, 2011, 11:29:03 AM

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Is there any way to know IE browser or some kind of browser that is based on IE core framework is running and surfing some predefined URLs ?   




Sounds like a question how to make a bank trojan. I had to analyze a sample some time ago, which used exactly this method, so as long u dont provide more details, what u want to achieve, I dont think anyone will help.


The answer is an example of the masm32 package
It show the windows running in the system.
It give all the windows.
This two interest you:
Internet Explorer Hidden
IEframe Text "Post Reply Windows Internet Explorer"
The word IEframe identify an HTML page


To ---Alex------:
Hi Alex, I am just interested at the technical part. So far as I know , such bank Trojan appeared one or two years ago, and most of the anti-virus software can monitor and kill such Trojans. Currently, most of the on-line banking web systems are using Activex plug-in for IE to cipher the data.
There are a lot of browsers that are based on IE core framework (such as Netcaptor, an old but very useful tool), My question is how could I know IE core components are running at the background (maybe IE is running, maybe Netcaptor is running and so forth) ?

To ToutEnMasm:
Thanks for your response.I just tried the samples you mentioned in the Masm32 package, however, it is not what I want. BTW, do you have an English version of your website ? I don`t know French, and I think your website is very useful.



BTW, do you have an English version of your website ? I don`t know French, and I think your website is very useful.
A translation of my web site is a big work and i have also my ide to translate.Perhaps if I can find a helper method to do it.