Communication Between or Among Separate Running Programs

Started by raleeper, August 29, 2011, 08:51:12 AM

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Quote from: raleeper on August 31, 2011, 04:11:45 AM
...Suppose my program crashes into a loop that does nothing but broadcast the same message repeatedly as
fast as the os can process the SendMessages.  Mightn't that clog the other processes' message queues?

reminds me of a doctor story...

Patient: "Doc, it hurts when i bend my elbow like this"
Doctor: "Then, don't do that"



To redskull,
Real Men(tm) use COM 

I have folowed the link and find
IDataObject Interface
Enables data transfer and notification of changes in data. Data
transfer methods specify the format of the transferred data along
with the medium through which the data is to be transferred.
Optionally, the data can be rendered for a specific target device.
In addition to methods for retrieving and storing data,
the IDataObject interface specifies methods for enumerating available
formats and managing connections to advisory sinks for handling change

The term data object is used to mean any object that supports an
implementation of the IDataObject interface. Implementations vary,
depending on what the data object is required to do; in some data

The implementation of the IDataObject interface is  big work .
Perhaps as a real men can you just post it  :P


Quote from: ToutEnMasm on August 31, 2011, 01:29:47 PM
Perhaps as a real men can you just post it  :P

In assembly?  I wish I were that manly... :'(

Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


Remember this. Don't use COM when there is no need to. (Of course if you like to beat yourself up ...)  ::)

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Quote from: dedndave on August 31, 2011, 04:56:22 AM
reminds me of a doctor story...

Patient: "Doc, it hurts when i bend my elbow like this"
Doctor: "Then, don't do that"


Yes.  My other favorite doctor story is:
Quote(Doctor examining patient)
Either you ain't got no pulse, or my watch has stopped)
{credit: Groucho Marx, Walt Kelly}

I can think of some cases where that might be apropos.