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Started by GeorgeA7299, January 12, 2011, 12:55:35 AM

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Please bear with me. This is going to be a long message. I am currently using HIDE 1.50.00, hla 2.14/stdlib 8.0. I saved my hlaexamples folder on my C:\ drive. When I attempt to use Run Project and Run on one of the examples (say, one of the win32\howl examples, I get the error message ' C:\hlaexamples\win32\howl\010x_radioSet2.exe ' is not recognized as an internal, external command, operable program or batch file.

I think this has something to do where the examples are stored, but I would appreciate any input you guys can give me.


that's because it didn't build properly.  you won't be able to compile the HOWL example code with HIDE straight out.  you'll have to setup a project and some changes to the code.  not recommended for those just starting out with hla.
the generic examples should compile and run without problems however, just make sure the "send console stdout to output window" in option->standard mode dialog is not selected.

next version of HIDE, i'll see about adding a straight out build with hla option.


Could you tell me where I might find information on how I may implement your suggestions.


update to 1.51.02

i've added a new menu option Make -> HLA on Active Source
you can use this menu option to build the howl demos.  there may be a bug with "howlDemo.hla" but the others seem to work fine.

open the sources with File - Open
and build with Make -> HLA on Active Source
you can use Make -> Run to launch.

let me know if you encounter any problems, these changes are still experimental.