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Started by Slugsnack, July 20, 2009, 09:37:57 PM

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oh well here is my current method anyway in case it becomes of any use to anyone :

for non-overlapping of toolbar + child windows :

invoke GetClientRect, hwndDlg, addr rectClientArea
invoke GetWindowRect, hToolbar, addr rectToolbar

mov eax, rectToolbar.bottom
sub eax,
add eax, 10
mov, eax
invoke CascadeWindows, hwndDlg, MDITILE_SKIPDISABLED, addr rectClientArea, NULL, NULL

and this is to change the toolbar length to suit the parent window's size :

invoke GetWindowRect, hToolbar, addr rectToolbar

lea eax, lParam
movzx ecx, word ptr ds:[eax]
movzx edx, word ptr ds:[eax+2]

mov eax, rectToolbar.bottom
sub eax,

invoke SetWindowPos, hToolbar, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, ecx, eax, SWP_NOMOVE


   Hi there. Why would a tooltip control show tooltips in Screen coordinates. I've tried lots of stuff but it always shows the tips in the bottom of main window. Look at it if you feel like it.