Consequences if program was ended by Task Manager

Started by Magnum, December 23, 2010, 02:14:38 PM

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I would like to plan for different possibilities that may occur when
a program is run.

What would happen to the O.S. if the program was ended by Task Manager? 

What other "collateral damage" could occur ?

            invoke UnregisterHotKey,hWnd,065h
            invoke GlobalFree,hglb; help by Nathan in comp.lang.asm.x86

            invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
      .ELSEIF uMsg == WM_HOTKEY

; Put text on the clipboard.
    invoke OpenClipboard,NULL
    .IF (eax)

      invoke EmptyClipboard
      invoke GlobalAlloc,GMEM_MOVEABLE, 128; Allocate some space.

    .IF (eax)
        mov hglb, eax
        invoke GlobalLock,hglb
  mov ebx, eax
  push ebx       ; Save ebx
  mov eax, lParam
  shr eax, 16
            .if     ax == 65  ; If the key 65 ("A") was pressed.
     invoke MemCopy,ADDR str1,ebx,SIZEOF str1
            .elseif ax == 66  ; If the key 66 ("B") was pressed.
          invoke MemCopy,ADDR str2,ebx,SIZEOF str2
  ; Some other key pressed.

       invoke SetClipboardData,CF_TEXT,hglb
    .IF (eax == 0)

         invoke MessageBox,NULL, ADDR AppName,ADDR Mess1,  MB_ICONEXCLAMATION

    pop eax   ; Restore the value that was saved from ebx
    invoke GlobalUnlock, eax


       invoke MessageBox,NULL, ADDR AppName,ADDR Mess2,  MB_ICONEXCLAMATION

invoke GlobalFree, hglb
       invoke CloseClipboard
Have a great day,


What would happen to the O.S. if the program was ended by Task Manager?
On win XP ,vista,win 7 ,NOTHING
For the program,all data can be lost.


So, are you saying that only my keyboard shortcuts would be lost?

Have a great day,


All things installed by your program would be lost (keyboard shortcuts,...),YES