Please help beginner with RadAsm IDE

Started by neferkamichael1, November 29, 2010, 08:50:11 PM

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Dear Sirs;
I have tried the Masm, Nasm,and HLA assemblers in the RadAsm Ide. When I create a project and click the finish button, I'm expecting a source editor to appear but I get a blank screen. I go to the file menu and select new file and get the editor. In the Masm assembler no matter what example I type in I get assembly errors and then that file disappears. I believe the assembler is work because instructions like mov change to a different color than comments. I am sure it is me that's doing something wrong but I can't figure out what :dazzled:

I like the RadAsm IDE because of the variety of assemblers and any help I can get to solve my problem will be greatly appreciated

Neferkamichael1 :U


Hi neferkamichael1,

First are you using RadAsm 2.x or 3.x ? If you're new to RadAsm the best way to begin a project is with one of the preloaded templates, how you select the template is dependent on which version you are running. Assembly errors could be the command line or include files, you will have to post the project in order for someone to help you with the errors.

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"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
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