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AES Ciphers

Started by Sevag.K, November 11, 2010, 02:08:05 AM

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this is my preliminary work on the new advanced encryption standard (AES) cipher.
i basically learned how do to this from an article by james mccaffrey at msdn magazine.
kudos goes to mr. mccaffrey for providing the code and tutorial.

AES ciphers are considered a government and NIST standard in encryption technology and practically uncrackable.
it allows keys in 128, 192 and 256 bits.
more on AES

at this point, the program creates the key scheduler based on the key and ciphers an input of 16 bytes.
there is no concrete implementation yet.
i have not written the decryption algorithm yet.

i had to learn some new concepts about field theory mathematics to get this to work, so if anyone is interested, i highly recommend the article.

output should be the input bytes, the ciphered bytes and what the cipher should be if everything went right.

edit: source project files uploaded to my web site.
now contains concrete library with encryption and decryption.


new version of the library is up.

two functions added: encrypt and decrypt - these work on entire sources rather than blocks of 16 bytes.

the project now also contains a fully functional encryption/decryption program called kAES which also doubles as a demo of using the library in your own projects.