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HIDE user menu crashing

Started by Emil_halim, November 01, 2010, 03:46:57 PM

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Hi all

i put the next section in HIDE.ini file

[User Menu]
hla , hla %s

and when selecting hla menu i got that error

HLA Exception (54) at line 1242 , memory access violation.

any help please.


thanks for finding the bug.  fixed

but this will just flash a command window, to send output to HIDE output window, add the output option to user menu.


hla, hla %s, output

one concern here is that HIDE will send the command the HIDE environments, which include HLAOPT.  and this is designed for units building using hlaparse and separate linking.  to use hla.exe in this way, you have to erase the HLAOPT environment from Options->Environment.

however, if you do this, HIDE will not be able to build normal projects unless you set the default options back to
-@ -win32


fast debugging !!!!!! , nice work.

i was just playing with the user menu , i mean i was testing it only.
now i think to make an exe file or a bat file that internally call hlaparse , Fasm , and ld for
compiling non project file , just like the kmake script file.


how to force hide to supply only the filename of the current tab without the file extension


if i have file called test.hla , how to force the macro %s to supply only 'test' without '.hla' extension ?

this will help me to compile the file with hlaparse ,Fasm and link with ld.


you can't do it yet, but it's a good idea for a new macro.  %b for base name of current source.
if will be a cinch to update.

technically, it can be done without a new macro... but you have to rename the source and remove the extension, then supply all the extensions.  better to make a new macro.

by the way, quick updates are coming since i'm currently extending the project line of HIDE.  i made the recent manager changes to eventually incorporate full build customization, but i haven't figured out the interface yet.


very nice work.

but the new macro %b did not supply the full path , so hlaparse could not locate the path of file.

i suggest that , you can allow more than one macro as a commend line


comp , comp.BAT %p\%b , output

so that we can adapt cod line that pass to bat file , and supply the needed data.


no it did not work as we wish, the macro %p has no effect at all.

any way , i will try to use a script file instead of a bat file , and will supply
the macro %b as an argument then inside the script file i will put the desired


sorry i was wrong , i was meaning %c macro did not work!!!!!!!


i'm trying to repeat the error, but i can't.  can you be more specific?



no problem , i solved it by using.

in hide.ini

[User Menu]
FASM comp , comp_Fasm.bat %s %b %t, output
Masm comp , comp_masm.bat %s %b %t, output
run, cmd /k "%s.exe"

in comp_masm.bat file

hlaparse  -win32 -@ -level=high -sm %1
D:\masm32\bin\ml /c /coff /Cp /Fo %3\%2.obj %3\%2.asm
ld %3\%2.obj -o %1.exe -s -S -stack 4194304 -entry _HLAMain -subsystem console -L D:\HIDE\lib -lHLALIB -luser32 -lkernel32  -lD3D9
del %3\%2.asm
del %3\%2.obj

it works as expected .



that's cool.  are you comparing the differences between the compilers?


no ,

i was haveing a some masm code and want to mix it with hla.

BTW , i am thinking in mix fasm code ,masm code , and c/c++ code in one project, because i do not want to reinvent the wheel.
of course this will be easy because hide and kmake are greate tools.