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writing asm in visual studio

Started by qklxtlx, July 17, 2010, 10:28:59 AM

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I am a college student and just had a course about masm.
Now I am trying to make a game(because I've lovin it :green2) but had some problems with my IDE.

I write code in Visual Studio 2010(by the introduction in when I write code refering to lib in MASM32 the problem happens. I have set masm32\lib and masm32\include path included in VS settings.

Some codes in masm32\example run well (eg.dialogs\simple\simple.asm), but some have errors:
\masm32\include\ : error A2004: symbol type conflict : bool
\masm32\include\ : error A2179: structure improperly initialized
\masm32\include\ : error A2008: syntax error : in structure
\masm32\include\ : error A2179: structure improperly initialized
\masm32\include\ : error A2008: syntax error : in structure
\masm32\include\ : error A2179: structure improperly initialized
\masm32\include\ : error A2008: syntax error : in structure

error continues... :'(  <--I have searched this problem in the forum but only find 5 topic~

PS:any suggestion for leaning win32 masm? I google a lot but not work well. I've learnt Assembly Language for Inter-Based computers...(the examples in masm32 are good but I prefer something more :toothy and I cannot find API SDK document = =b)


I have put "option casemap:none"~but not work still :(


Microsoft is trying to phase out masm :( whats wrong with the world?


First of all: Welcome to the forum :thumbu

It is difficult to see what your problem is without seeing the examples you tested. Please post code, complete code from "include" to "end start", and post also the command line arguments used. Members here have tested all of these examples, and they work, so the problem is somewhere in your environment settings.
One more question: Which OS version are you using?

Some hints for people coming from other languages are here.


Those errors are the same as I get when I leave out:

option casemap :none

And they are what they should be for a case-insensitive interpretation of

Line 102: bool                        typedef BYTE
Line 129: BOOL                        typedef DWORD
Line 7804: Luid LUID <>
Line 8711: emr  EMR <>
Line 8724: emr  EMR <>
. . .

eschew obfuscation


I noticed the difference between bool and BOOL~

I have to say that I solved it by unknown reason...I set up a new solution and copied a new example file with excatly the same content----It works~~ :red :red :red

Thank you all! lol :toothy

ps~any document, material or books on MASM32 worth reading?(I have some coding experience in c, java, basic asm(console) )